CCBC Survey of Members’ Concerns – 1996

By Cheryl Palmer, Secretary CCBC

Last month, the board of the Christian Coalition of Brevard County mailed to all its members a questionnaire to determine which issues you considered to be of most concern. The survey listed nine major issues and asked the members to list the issues from 1 to 9, with the number one being of most concern and the number nine the least concern. Then there was a section for each issue breaking it down into a series of statements to which the member could respond: “Agree,” “Disagree,” or “Undecided.”

The response to the survey was high, and we received many favorable comments on the survey. The board of CCBC hopes to keep up with the thoughts and concerns of its members and to reflect those concerns in our plans for the future. In the members’ ratings of the issues there were some predictable ratings and others that were unexpected. For example: abortion continues to be the public issue that CCBC members find most pressing. That was no surprise.

In light of the attention education receives, however, it was surprising that it fell so far down on the list. The fact that environmental and property rights issues were at the bottom of the list may reflect a lack of public education on the grandiose plans initiated by the government and environmental groups designed to usurp the right of private property ownership, and a failure to understand where Scripture stands on these issues.

CCBC plans to use the results of the survey to help in drafting the Candidate Surveys for future Christian Coalition Voter Guides and to ascertain what areas to target in educating our membership and the general public on the issues.

We would like to thank all who participated. You are the Christian Coalition. It is people like you, working at the grass-roots level, who accomplished so much in electing pro-family Congressmen and Senators in ’94, in alerting your fellow citizens to the areas in which our government has gone off course, and in encouraging pro-life, pro-family candidates to run in this election.

If the results of this informational survey reflect the concerns of most Americans, and we believe that they do, both major political parties are ignoring the issues we feel most passionate about and concentrating on the ones of less immediate concern. It seems that we find it hard to concentrate on the federal budget deficit and the need for better schools when babies are being murdered and our families are failing. We pray that we will be even better than we have been at getting our message to the leaders of our country.

Please remember to pray for our leaders, then to write and call them to keep them working for the values we hold dear. Please remember to work to help elect Godly men and women to all levels of public service. Occupy until He comes and keep up the good work!


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