Understanding Your Voter’s Guide

Seven Republican presidential candidates were surveyed on the above topics for the national Christian Coalition’s voter’s guide. We should note that two additional candidates, Morry Taylor and Robert Dornan did not appear on the national Christian Coalition’s voter guide. We should also note that Phil Gramm recently announced that he has dropped out of the race.

The abortion question might seem confusing at first glance. It would appear that all the candidates, with the exception of Forbes, have some type of “pro-life” view. But legislation records in the House, Senate and Governor’s seat reveal some sharp differences. Lamar Alexander showed support for the “pro-abortion” position while governor of Tennessee. Dick Lugar’s record has shown that he is, in fact, pro-abortion, while he wants to be characterized as pro-life in the survey. Bob Dole has flip-flopped on this issue over the years. Recently, he voted for the nomination of Ruth Bader-Ginsburg, a pro-abortion Supreme Court Justice, and also supported F.A.C.E. (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances) which makes peaceful blockades of abortion clinics by pro-lifers a federal felony. Phil Gramm has a good pro-life voting record (although he did support Ginsburg). Bob Dornan’s record is even more solid on the pro-life issue (being the only congressional candidate to have endorsed pro-life activism). Bob Dornan, Alan Keyes and Pat Buchanan have made the abortion issue a front piece of their campaigns, while the others have taken a more moderate approach. The others seem to want to distance themselves from the abortion issue, while appearing to be pro-life in the eyes of Christian conservatives.

Alan Keyes appears enigmatic on two issues. Keyes indicated that he would support a flat tax only as an intermediary step to a national sales tax. Keyes is in favor of doing away with the income tax entirely. On the subject of internet pornography, Keyes stated, “I don’t believe that government censorship is the answer. I think that we should develop and use the technology that will allow parents and other responsible people to regulate access for those who are minors. I think the v-chip for TVs is good for those who want it, but should not be mandated by government for all sets.”

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