Ultra-liberal Alliance Attacks CCBC

Workers at the infamous Aware Woman abortion clinic have teamed up with some of Brevard’s most liberal politicians to create the Mainstream (read: “ultra-liberal”) Voter’s Alliance. Their main target? The Christian Coalition of Brevard County, of course. A brochure distributed by this group attacks three members of the Christian Coalition who are running for Melbourne City Council. “The three candidates plan to create obstacles to the clinic,” says the brochure.

However, we commend them for reading Pass The Word since they quote from an article in our last newsletter: “Their goal is ‘to create a Christian nation with laws firmly based on the ten commandments.’”

In an exaggerated tirade, the ultra-liberal Alliance claims that the CCBC is all powerful: “The last election in Brevard County resulted in a voter turnout of only 20% of registered voters … The Christian Coalition accounts for 13% of registered voters in Brevard County. In the last election they all voted. That means that 65% of the votes cast were Christian Coalition votes.”

Where they obtained this information, we do not know. Leaps of logic and strange mixtures of fact and fiction categorize the rest of the brochure. We were left hoping that maybe they know something that we don’t! We like to think that all CCBC members vote. If you would like to see a copy of this brochure, contact the CCBC office. And if you happen to be a CCBC member who makes up this “65% majority of all Brevard voters,” we ask that you remember to pay your membership dues in this important election year!

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