The Road To Victory Conference

By Sherry DeJong

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Road to Victory was a great conference! Over 4,200 pro-life, pro-family activists attended this wonderful conference. The speakers were excellent! They ranged from several presidential candidates, including Pat Buchanan, Alan Keyes, Phil Graham, Bob Dornan, plus Pat Robertson, Gary Bauer, Bill Bennett, Beverly LaHaye, David Barton, Judge Robert Bork, Chuck Colson, Peter Marshall and the list goes on.

Pro-life issues were the absolute focus of these speeches made by these dedicated and talented Christian leaders. It was like being at a two-day highly exciting pro-family rally – and boy was it terrific! It was a definite, hard-hitting call for Christians to wake up and be the salt and light in their communities. It was a mandate to take our country back from the tyrannical enemies of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The mood of the convention was extremely upbeat with many references to the pro-life, pro-family victories of the 1994 elections. Nevertheless, the message was to not sit back and think the war has been won, but to realize that only one small battle in the war has been won. Now we must gear up for the major battles ahead of us and not rest. The call went forward to return to our communities all across America and alert all the Christians to prepare themselves for the coming battles. Victory in the political arena can save our nation from moral cultural decay wrought by the wicked, the men and women with fortunes behind them, who are dedicated to evil works.

Please be encouraged, dear Christians, brothers and sisters in Christ, we can win this battle for the very life of this nation and for a morally sane future for our children and the next generation. We must look to our Lord and through obedience do all we can to help God-fearing men and women get elected to influential positions in public office.

Please join us this coming year! Work as you’ve never worked before for the sake of our children and grand children. Road to Victory encouraged us to be salt and light to this present dark and dying generation.


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