Who is this “Little Guy?”

Artwork by Ray Rusotto

This is a cartoon which explains our “revolution” – WHY we are fighting and WHAT we are fighting against. At one glance, it tells about our fight against those who today control Washington D.C., and who want to control our lives, and our futures.

This “Little Guy” is us. Better said, WE are the “Little Guy.” He is each and every one of us. In a way, he is a small army, but on the other hand he is out there opposing the extremely powerful forces who want to control this nation. The only way that he can hope to survive this clash with the “giant” is through faith, vision, courage, and persistence.

Let us make this “Little Guy” our inspiration. Like the “Minutemen” of our War of Independence, it is only with our united convictions, with our moral strength, and with full mutual support, that we can hope to persevere.

Just as David felled Goliath, ALL of us, working together towards common goals, CAN do very serious damage to those powerful figures who now hide behind our political establishment. But, we must all be like this “Little Guy.” Courageous, and willing to face the enemy head on. The truths have already been spoken. Now we are fighting against superior forces – for what is good, and for what is right. We must all now look at those very goals themselves as our inspiration. Nothing else can unite us more than that. This should never be a battle for just ourselves, we should fight this battle to make this country a better place for everyone. We must keep our sights fixed on those ultimate results which we strive for – a better government, and a better nation.

In this issue of Pass The Word, we are focusing on biblical principles for transforming society. If we put our faith in a political party, we will surely fail. But if we have faith in Jesus Christ and His Word as the basis for reforming our society, then although we may suffer some setbacks, we know we will win in the end.

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The Model of Christian Liberty. This DVD includes “Dawn’s Early Light: A Brief History of America’s Christian Foundations” and bonus features.

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