About the Soaring Arrow

The Soaring Arrow is a newsletter written and edited by two young people, (“arrows,” as Psalm 127:4 describes), Joel Eby and Keith Kimball.

The purpose of the Soaring Arrow is to be a demonstration and record of God at work in home-educating families and youth around the nation. Being “arrows” ourselves, we desire to encourage other youth to gain a burning desire and vision to see the American family, church and nation restored. Furthermore, this newsletter will attempt to provide the means for applying and maintaining this vision in our nation today.

We desire to see unity restored between the parents (“bows”) and youth (“arrows”) of American families. We recognize the importance of the family in our society today as being the foundational wall of our nation. Parents must not carry alone the burden and vision for the restoration of this wall. We must join the generations, and work together towards accomplishing the goal of restoring this decaying, foundational wall, thereby bringing America’s freedom into security.

About The Editors

Joel Eby, 17-years-old, is a senior, and is entering his sixth year of home schooling this fall. Keith Kimball, 16-years-old, is also a senior and is entering his eighth year of home schooling his fall.

Their families have been faithful to their God-ordained purpose of being a team which balances out the weaknesses of the individual and stands strong in unity of vision and purpose. They have played a key role in establishing the character traits and vision in both Joel and Keith’s lives which are necessary for their furthering God’s kingdom here on earth. Their strength and encouragement have been, and will continue to be, instrumental in every step.

Their vision for the future is multi-generational, and their occupation for the present is to become Soaring Arrows which can be fully used of God to pierce the enemy, kick in the gates of hell, and make an impact for His kingdom. This newsletter is an expression of their vision and of their desire to provide encouragement and inspiration to others who maintain similar visions r have a desire to gain such a vision.

God is raising up a generation which will become a mighty army! We cannot afford to hinder, in any way, through our selfish foolishness , His plans for the future.

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