House opposite from abortion clinic purchased

Over the past five years, as a Christian newspaper editor, I’ve tried to tell the truth about what is happening in the pro-life movement. Over a year ago, I wrote a article for The Forerunner (“Clearing the Media Smokescreens” Nov/Dec 1993) refuting the liberal media’s coverage of the abortion issue. In this article, I described how I was renting an office in the “Green House” directly across the street from the infamous Aware Woman abortion clinic. I have tried to be an effective eyewitness in the midst of these grave distortions.

Recently, I made a down payment on this house and became the owner. My plan is to keep the property open for daily pro-life activities such as “sidewalk counseling” and prayer vigils. Due to a court-ordered “no-free-speech” injunction restricting this area, private ownership of the Green House is the only thing that allows this ministry to abortion minded women to continue.

  • The Green House has been the site of international media coverage of pro-life activities. The Green House has been the site of international media coverage. CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, BBC, German, Japanese, Australian television and many others have covered pro-life events here.
  • Christians For Life is the local pro-life organization here in Melbourne, which coordinates all sidewalk counseling and prayer activities at the Green House. We also encourage pastors and Christians in the area to become involved in the abortion issue. The pro-life community here in Melbourne is a strong and cohesive group which has caused Aware Woman’s business to be cut in half in recent years.
  • A Pro-life Media Center will also be located at the Green House. I hope to develop pro-life television and print media which will stave off many of the distortions that the liberal media conveys in covering the abortion issue. The Pro-Life Media Center now consists of compiling true testimonies for publication. The Lord has used this in a powerful way. For instance, my testimony which appeared in The Forerunner concerning the 36-foot “no free speech” buffer zone around Aware Woman was used in a scathing dissent by Justice Anthony Scalia in an important Supreme Court decision. We also participate in talk-radio and television interviews, and issue press releases to local and national news media. In the future, we hope to produce videos and other media which will equip Christians for pro-life ministry.

Aware Woman is being propped up by pro-abortion groups because of its high visibility. Abortion providers believe that if pro-lifers succeed in closing this clinic, it will be very bad for the abortion industry in America. I believe that it is God’s will for me to own the Green House and live here until this happens.

Ownership of this piece of property provides an important base for ministry. It is also a very significant hub for the pro-life movement, which is now poised to make some significant advances in our nation.

I have produced a videotape which shows firsthand, the type of ministry and media coverage which goes on here. If you are considering giving, but would like to know more about this ministry first, please write us and I will send one out to you.

The Forerunner
P.O. Box 138030
Clermont, FL 34713


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