Black America: Your Destiny Awaits You!

By Johnny Hunter

One thing that has hurt the black community of America is that we have had much of our history torn from us because of slavery. No one ever came to America like blacks; no other people were sold and beaten like slaves. If you take away a person’s history, then they have nothing. Blacks still haven’t overcome this.

Even worse than the lack of a history is the fact that many blacks have been “sold” a bill of lies by the liberal media. Many are going against everything that we were ever taught morally. What is happening to the black family now is even more destructive than when we were on the plantations.

We have been suckered into killing our own children. Abortionists have killed more of our black children than the Ku Klux Klan could ever lynch. In 1985, blacks were counted as 12 percent of the population, but we were counted in 30 percent of the abortions! Three million black children never lived to see the light of day.

Even black ministers have misrepresented us. Black leaders tell youth that they can be somebody and then turn around and march with groups who are in favor of child killing.

The only way that blacks are going to overcome is to get back to biblical principles. We are going to have to realize that much of liberalism is going against everything we believe. I believe sincerely that Christianity is the most powerful key to freedom. Once any group gets away from it, they are in trouble.

The black editor of Issues and Views, Elizabeth Wright, led the fight against the pro-homosexual agenda when books such as Heather Has Two Mommies were being promoted in the schools. But the dominant media culture has not shown this. When the NAACP endorsed homosexual “rights” a local NAACP chapter that picketed their national convention because they didn’t want homosexuality being portrayed as compatible with civil rights. But the media didn’t cover this either.

With the pro-life issue, the media does not show the many blacks who are involved in the fight against abortion. Members of my church marched on Mother’s Day at Niagara Falls in support of life because we wanted to show a strong black presence. But the television cameras only showed the white marchers. We saw a camera man stop his camera when he came to my wife and walk all the way down to next white man and turn the camera back on! The liberal media is trying to cover up the blacks who are doing what they consider to be “not politically correct.”

Blacks need to be awakened to join the Christian movement in working to reform our nation. Blacks need to wake up and realize that we have been lied to and cheated by the liberal media and government. Right now were being told that whites don’t really care about what we are going through. White Christians need to reach out to blacks and be willing to help with the problems.

Blacks and whites need to work together to solve the problems that face us. Black churches have been fighting poverty and crack houses in their neighborhoods. The problem is often with the police forces who won’t enforce the law. They claim that they don’t have enough power to protect themselves. But in some places, such as Baton Rouge, Louisiana, blacks and whites from the churches are united together and are doing something to stop the problem. It’s beautiful to see that happening.

God is raising up a new generation of black leadership. These are people doing exploits in many different areas.

John Thompson of Adolescent Resource Centers of America showed me a letter written by a condom manufacturer. It specifically said that condoms cannot stop the AIDS virus because of the size of the intrinsic voids in the rubber. While sperm cells are 50 microns in diameter, the voids in the condom are five microns in diameter. However, the AIDS virus is .1 microns in diameter or 50 times smaller than the intrinsic voids in a condom. Naturally, a condom can stop a sperm cell, but it cannot stop the AIDS virus from passing through.

Yet we have Planned Parenthood handing out condoms to our black boys and even our black girls so that they can give them to boys. They treat our young people like dogs; even though we are a people of moral values. John Thompson is fighting against groups like Planned Parenthood even though he is just a young black minister.

We need more Christian black athletes like Barry Sanders of the Detroit Lions who will begin to stand up for abstinence. What bothers me the most about black Christians is when God puts them in key positions and they keep quiet. They don’t want to be role models and get involved in issues that are controversial. They need to understand that there are children who are dying and are depending on them.

Every black person living can rise to the top. But the liberals have fed us a lie in saying, “We’ve got to take care of you.” Keeping blacks on welfare is just as bad as keeping them on the plantation. Black churches need to start raising up some responsible men who will realize that they don’t need the welfare system and do some things to start helping themselves.

There are a lot of things that other cultures do to make it here in America that we are not doing. Why can Asians come over here to America and prosper? They don’t come in with all the baggage that we had from slavery, of course. But Asian families can analyze our system and make it work for them. If they all have to live in the same house, work the same job, or pitch in to start a storefront, they do what it takes to succeed. The black community lacks the family cohesiveness to work together and do what it takes to succeed.

The welfare system system has destroyed the family unit. If a young girl gets pregnant, she can get more money from the government if she doesn’t get married. This is putting the black community into bondage. Black leaders should stop hollering for hand outs. We need to wake up, pull together and do what it takes to restore the family.

Every black child is a child of destiny. If a child has a vision, no matter what it is, he can do what it takes to overcome his situation. Who knows whether the poorest child won’t be the one to eliminate poverty in our nation? I believe that every child has the opportunity to succeed.


I live across the border from you in Ontario Canada. I am white as are most of the people who live in the area I live in. We as Canadians white or black don’t face the hood as you call it there is no such thing. In our inner-city districts they are multicultural. We have government willing to fight crack houses.We have gun laws which make it very difficult to own a gun. This is all good in that our crime rate in our largest cities is better than your crime rate in your smallest cities. We still have poverty we still have crime. We do not have boarded up neighbourhoods offered to our people as places to live. My point I never realized how awful a state America is in. I couldn’t figure out what happened to Niagra Falls when I seen it in ruins. Our side of the boarder is nice. Anyway. One cultural within Canadian Socieity which compares to the hoods in our country is our First Nations People. Though there is some truth to the idea that they are very dependent on our welfare system and thus have not procured oppurtunity for themselves. The more important fact is they have not been modelled a whole lot of hope.They have been seriously oppressed by the white man in our nation. They have not been shown a whole lot of love. Each day they look upon devestation all around them. Poverty, drugs,abuse, alcohol. My point when all you see all around you is hopelessness your ticket out of that is to be modelled hope. Americans black or white need to model love and hope to all the people around them that are lost. If you do this you can bring restoration and healing to your community as the ones you give the hope to will move out in this and advance your land.

Let all children be born. Let poor mothers know that when their children are born, if they need food, they can get it for themselves and their children. Conservatives—do not cut food stamps for them. When a pregnant mother is faced with a lay off because people do not have money to buy the products her job produces, let intelligent Conservatives understand people who spend money the demand for products increase and job hours increase and jobs increase. Conservatives—should not cut job programs for them. When they are unemployed, Conservatives—do not stop extending unemployment payments to them. Let pro-life Conservatives stop laws regulating industries that threaten the lives of people. Look at the hundreds of thousands of men, women and children in West Virginia who may have their lives negatively impacted for the whole of their lives because of deregulation of chemicals that pollute the water humans cannot live without. Conservatives—should not do things that put lives in peril after a person is born. Advocate for the life of unborn children and the lives of all people after we are born. Over the past two years, Conservative governors have passed laws to in one way or another to force women to give birth. Men can get Viagara prescribed and in some cases get it free to increase their sexual vitality. Conservatives do not want to pay via poor women’s medical insurance for them to have access to birth control. When they do want to have babies when they are financially able, we are called sluts by Conservatives Rush Limbaugh. I pray to Jesus Christ. Maybe if Conservatives did, their policies would make more common sense. May God Bless Us All!


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The Model of Christian Liberty. This DVD includes “Dawn’s Early Light: A Brief History of America’s Christian Foundations” and bonus features.

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