Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan is known by his followers as being “a better orator than Martin Luther King Jr., a better author than Norman Mailer, a better diplomat than Henry Kissinger, and more handsome than Muhammad Ali.” Let’s take a look at one the best known and most articulate Black Muslims in America and his ideology.

According to founder Wallace D. Fard Muhammad, the Muslim Cult of Islam started in July 4, 1930. Ford proclaimed he was sent to wake “the black nation to the full range of the black man’s possibilities in a world temporarily dominated by the blue-eyed devils.” He taught that the African American culture was unique and separate from that of “the Caucasian devils.”

The Muslim Cult of Islam lasted almost four years under the leadership of Fard until his departure in 1933. According to his son’s mother, Hazel Barton, he was never to be seen or heard from again.

Elijah Poole, Fard’s first assistant and one of his most loyal followers, told members of the Cult that Fard “had returned to Allah” and that Poole had been selected to succeed him. He changed his name to Elijah Muhammad and moved the sect, now called the Nation of Islam, to Michigan and then to Chicago: the “New Mecca.”

Elijah Muhammad (Poole) continued the same hard line of dialogue as his predecessor. He taught that blacks were the “original people” and whites were “devils,” an “artificial mutation” created by an evil scientist.

Elijah was honored at the Black Muslim Annual Convention in Chicago on February 25, 1962. The late America Nazi Party founder George Lincoln Rockwell said, “Elijah Muhammad is the Adolf Hilter of the black man.”

Louis Eugene Wolcott, also known as “Calypso Gene,” an inspiring singer and songwriter with a “smooth charismatic stage presence” and a voice that rivaled that of the legendary Harry Belfonte, was an entertainer insured of a promising and successful career. Wolcott’s childhood experience of open rejection of African Americans in a neighborhood predominantly Jewish at the time, coupled with the racial discrimination of the past, fueled his disdain for whites and the Jewish community.

In 1955, Wolcott accepted a friend’s invitation to a rally given by Elijah Muhammad’s organization. This event would change him from an inspiring singer into devoted follower of Elijah. He told an associate that the rally resulted in his “rebirth” experience.

Wolcott changed his name to “Louis X” according to Black Muslim tradition, and later to Louis Farrakhan. The “X” denoted “unknown,” indicating that the true heritage of African Americans was stolen during the slave trade.

Farrakhan became a member of the Nation of Islam under the leadership of Malcolm X in 1955. Louis worked diligently learning the teachings of Elijah Muhammad and eventually moved up into ranks of leadership in the movement. He eventually became “the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s national spokesman.”

As head of the Harlem Mosque from 1965 to 1975, he became well known in the community. His messages at rallies across America conveyed African American separatism, economic rebirth and a continual attack of whites and Jews.

In 1977, two years after the death of Elijah Muhammad, Farrakhan formed his own sect patterned after the Nation of Islam. White supremacists have found common ground with Louis’ desire for separate territories for African Americans and whites. Their solidarity has grown stronger around their disdain for the Jewish community.

Farrakhan continues today with recruitment of youth gang members, prison inmates, college educated youth and the African American middle-class with the same message that many critics term as “words of hate and racism.” In a speech given March 11, 1984, Farrakhan proclaimed, “Some white people are going to live …. but (God) don’t want them living with us. He doesn’t want us mixing ourselves up with the slavemaster’s children, whose time of doom has arrived.”


I thought this was a one sided article meant to present the author’s view point that Minister Farrakhan, His teacher and The Nation of Islam are some kind of crazed black “cult” that doesn’t have a message good for black people and humanity.

I wasn’t attracted to this man and the movement based any of the ideas this article tries to present. I saw the movement as a way to better myself, family and community. I would suggest you study your material better before you write.

Brother Mustafaa

Its so sad that you would distort the teachings in such a way. You don’t offer any citations of your declarations which in and of it’s self is irresponsible. I will pray for you. May Allah bless you with the light of understanding.

As a true African and a Humanist, I do oppose to the teachings of the Nation of Islam, under Mr L .Farrakhan. Hate preachings against any religion, race, country etc is unacceptable in our civilise world. Such teachings are resposible for the many tribal and religious wars in Africa. I strongly believe that the purpose of religion is to promote peace and harmony. Mr L. Farrakhan like all other hate preachers around the world, are using religion as a smoke screen to further their political ambitions. Why hide behind religion, surely, you are not doing God’s work or else,you’ll devote your ministry in promoting peace and understanding amongst people, rather than brain washing young guys into becoming bitter and hateful to law abiding citizens. See what’s going on in India at the minute- Islamic terrorists killing innocent people- that’s is surely the work of the Devil not God Almighty. Shame on you Mr L. Farrakhan. You should teach African Americans to love one another and everyone else. To be proud being black and to better themselves in every ways. Segregation and slavery and discrimination are all history now. African Americans should be one and not divided, one as American- but all you do is to divide us along religious line. I am too intelligent to buy your hateful and spiteful messages shame on you ok. Thank God the victory of President-elect Obama has prove to you and reverend Jerry Miya and all hate preachers that Americans have come a long way as far as racism is concern. Martin Luther King Junior will forever remain bigger than all of you hate preachers because his message was one of hope and optimism and not hate and negativity like yours.

Dear Sir,
I a serious enthusiast of louis F. since years long. In fact i admire his oratory powers god has endowed him with. I wish to have a video of him or some tappes from him. My address
Box 719,
Agona swedru.

Well the author if one should call him thus just copied common facts or lies abundant in Internet, but to dismiss Minister Farrakhan as just a hate preacher is stupid and extremely ignorant view, yes occasions his choice of words are poor. But Minister Farrakhan has helped gang members go back to school and become useful to the society, areas where Mr Farrakhan and his organization operates are mostly drug free and violent free zone. See it is funny how people pass judgement knowing nothing on the stuff they are talking about. Yes I don’t want black man going around daily shouting how white man mistreated him, or is it wise to doubt the honesty of such claim.

I want to know what country these so-called Afro-Americans live in that say Farrakhan is hate preaching. The truth is the truth, and it will con’t to be the truth until it isn’t anymore. The blinde will use the Obama arguement, others will wait on some magical made up myth to save them.You have your excuses for being scary. But life is about progression, and as black people we must learn the truth and how to look two ways at one time. Racism still exist in America, it’s just wrapped up in a more sophisticated way(criminal justice system, u.s. constitution). You have half that is scared of equality b/c it puts everybody in their God given place, and the other half that’s just too cowardly to demand and sacrifice for it.The truth is Minister Farrakhan speaks the truth about the blue-eyed terror and the negroes who love them and embrace their religion and they can’t take it. I hate the truth b/c it tells of the treatment of my people, but I elect to learn from it and to educate myself on the things in life rather than turning my cheek and kissing the hand that would slap me the first chance it got.That’s not hate preaching, that’s LOVE preaching. But I guess you have to hate being black now to get to white heaven later. Do the research on your own faith, you sound the way you look speaking on matters you have no knowledge or understanding of. But of course, honesty has never been a priority amongst you people.

We are all prisoners of our own perceptions.

Your actions in life should mirror the mind of God but we tend to think that we know better than God and we lean on our own understanding instead of the mind of God which only comes through study of the Word of God. Study produces doctrine in the soul. Then comes true discernment. You will then be able to see through the lies and deceit that permiate this planet.

God angers, God judges, God punishes, God smiles, God loves, God rewards, justly and perfectly.

The eye for an eye age is long past. We must all work toward the new age, forgiveness. For we have all sinned and fallen short. Certainly, forgiveness is difficult and foreign to our SIN nature, but we must all try to Forgive. For only if we forgive, can our Father in Heaven forgive us.

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