What’s wrong with the politically correct curriculum?

Just when you thought it was safe to walk the halls of academia again, illiberal liberalism is beginning to regroup. Gerald Graff, a University of Chicago English professor has founded Teachers for a Democratic Culture. Graff says he is concerned about the perception that higher education is awash in political intimidation by radical faculty leftovers from the 1960s, intent on shoving a crude ideological agenda down the throats of an unsuspecting and apolitical student body.

The problem with Graff’s concern is, of course, that the perception is correct. Graff should know that he can’t hold his prejudices and force others to eat them too. Why, for instance, are Shakespeare, Milton and Locke castigated as dead, white, aristocratic males, while Marx, Freud and Rousseau are crowned as messengers of truth? Perhaps it is because Marx, Freud and Rousseau are dead, white, anti-Christian males.

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