Teach kids abstinence!

Letter to The Forerunner

I liked the picture you used on the last page of The Forerunner (September 1992, p.19) about abstinence. That issue is starting to get more media coverage than usual because the New York City public school’s chancellor, Joseph Ferdandez, is trying to break the law. When teaching any type of sex education, a New York law says abstinence must be taught as the most effective prevention of AIDS, STDS and pregnancy. Fernandez wants to break this law by initiating a new curriculum that stresses birth control and condoms. In doing so, he is breaking the law of New York.

We’ve been rallying against this and a new K-6 curriculum called the Rainbow curriculum, which seeks to teach K-6 kids AIDS education by indoctrinating them toward a pro-homosexual viewpoint. This program is a cover for the homosexuals to come into the classrooms and tell kids that homosexuality is normal. The kids would be reading books like: Heather Has Two Mommies, Daddy’s Roommate and Glory Goes to Gay Pride. These books show men in bed together and women going together to the doctor to be inseminated in order to have a baby. The program will also be teaching anal and oral sex to K-6 kids!

Yes, we need AIDS education, but why do kids need to be brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is normal? This curriculum is supposed to be multicultural by including Blacks, Jews, Chinese and other cultures. However, the homosexual issue is the only topic that is supposed to be taught in every class and subject. Somehow, while teaching English or Math, the homosexual agenda must be taught. None of the other cultures are taught, only the behavior of homosexuality.

We are praying that this man is either driven out of office or that he comes to his senses. He seems literally be driven by demons of hell to have this instituted. Please pray for us about this.

Wendy Johnson
Stamford, Connecticut

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