Changing America

God wants to use you to liberate our nation!

By Lori Ann Brown

No longer do I see the possibility of changing America as an impossible task. Now I see it through my spiritual eyes as a nation full of strong, young leaders who want to know God and to fulfill His destiny for their lives. I want to see righteousness and truth reign; that’s why I recently left my career as an engineer to reach and to train these future leaders here on Capitol Hill.

I believe that God is going to use me to build young people into the caliber of our founders: true George Washingtons and Abigail Adamses. Young people from all over the nation come to Washington to work with their congressmen and senators. What a dynamic opportunity to reach out to them with the love of Jesus and help them find the true means of change in America. It is not too late. The Bible says, “If my people will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, I will heal their land.”

Now is the time to make disciples and train leaders. I count it an honor to build the kingdom of God here on Capitol Hill. There’s no end to what God can do if we only trust and believe. Watch out America! The young people of America are coming! Daniel 11:32 says, “The people that know their God shall be strong and do exploits.”

Thomas Jacobson
CBN University

A new generation of young people are rising up in America today who want to preserve this nation and their liberties. My strong hope for America is that we will not lose the great heritage and precious liberties that have been handed down to us at the cost of many lives.

My vision for America is a restored America. An America where we have experienced a national revival and have the means of preserving the fruit of that revival. An America where the people are careful guardians of their liberties. An America where freedom of religion and of the mind are so highly treasured that the people would never again allow the controlling arm of civil government to restrict its churches or its schools. An America where each man is recognized as responsible for himself, the care of his family, and the education of his children.

I see an America where human life has intrinsic value and is worth defending – especially for those like the unborn. An America whose civil government has once again become the friend of good business. An America where the civil rulers are faithful to preserve and defend the Constitution they swore to uphold, instead of bowing to the pressure of every special interest group. An America where equal justice under law has been restored, having eliminated improper distinctions on the basis of wealth or color.

My life goal is to see our federal government restored to its lawful and limited jurisdiction, to see it fully performing those duties it has been given, but not attempting to do what remains the responsibility of others. Toward accomplishing this goal, I have studied at the late Francis Schaeffer’s L’Abri Fellowship in Switzerland, obtained a Masters degree in Public Policy at CBN University, and am currently serving in the office of Congressman Patrick Swindall of Georgia.

Also, I am in the process of establishing a library of American and Virginian history, in order to preserve those books which reveal the truth about our history and the godly foundations of our nation. Next year I plan to begin a Ph.D. program, studying every branch of the federal government in order to understand the Constitution and the foundational principles of our nation.

I love God, and thus I love liberty. As Patrick Henry said, “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains or slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! – I know not the course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”

Keith Watts
Vehicle Engineer
Hughes Aircraft Space and
Communications Group
Torrance, CA

I see the present time as being very crucial to the future of our country. Traditional values and the Judeo-Christian ethic have suffered due to neglect and assault.

The Constitution establishes our government to be a government by the people and for the people. This means that each of us is responsible to be involved in selecting representatives who believe in our values, and to communicate with them about our concerns and opinions.

My involvement in political matters consists of reading a great deal of material each month on current events, legislation, etc. In response, I write letters to my representatives to express my views. We have also formed a group to discuss these issues and to construct and distribute a newsletter to other concerned citizens in our church and community so that they can write and get involved.

I also see it as my responsibility to financially support those organizations who lobby in Washington and distribute information to the public about issues of concern.

I have read and studied a great deal of history, and realize that the freedom we enjoy in this country was purchased with the blood of brave men willing to defend it. Even though we are not presently at war, we are still responsible to preserve our freedom and our values by getting involved.

Rick Chin
University of Illinois

The place where true change begins is with you and with me – on the local level.

In the city of Gainesville, Florida, where I reside, the Effective Municipal Services Committee (EMSC) can review virtually any aspect of the local government, regardless of size, and evaluate whether that department, expenditure, or policy is an effective use of the citizens’ money. If it is not, the committee members advise a change and provide alternative solutions.

When I joined the committee two years ago, I had no understanding of how local government really worked. But I was willing to learn, and to sincerely try to change my community for the better. Ultimately I desired Gainesville to be a more godly city, a place where traditional values were strong.

Within a year, I was elected chairman of the EMSC. Earlier this year I was one of 18 chairman that the City Commission asked to refine, prepare, and submit a five year budget for a Capital Improvement Program. Just recently, I was appointed as a founding member of a local “Grace Commission,” a committee which works with the city manager for the specific purpose of eliminating waste from the budget. This committee functions similarly to President Reagan’s 1982 Grace Committee which made 2200 recommendations with proposed cost savings of $300 million over three years.

Was all this difficult? No, not particularly. There is nothing different about me that allows me to do such things, either. I am a Christian, totally devoted to the Lord Jesus, and I want Him to receive the glory He deserves in every area of life – including government. Am I doing something that only a few Americans can do? On the contrary, our government cannot correctly function without the involvement of individuals in their local governments. Its very design requires involvement. Remember, we have in this country “Government of the people, by the people, and for the people.” If it’s not “of the people” and “by the people,” it can’t be “for the people.”

To be able to make a change in my government, God had to change me first. He removed my verbal complaints and lack of involvement, and replaced them with a listening ear and a charge to action. I strongly encourage you to do the same.

Robert Cushing
Washington State University

The Bible says, “The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains, the world, and all that dwell in it” (Psalm 24:1). As Christians, we usually see that self-government, family government, and church government are under God’s control; but we rarely see civil government the same way. But God created all of these and gave instruction in the Scriptures on how to exert His influence in each one of them. Why should we leave civil government out of the sphere of His reign?

If Christians avoid civil government service, then non-Christians will fill the void. Our form of government vests the power and authority in the people. To “render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s” here in America, all of us as citizens must not only pay taxes but do our part in serving the government. We must also make ourselves available to run for political office.

Christ’s command to the Church is to “disciple the nations”; to work toward the goal of seeing the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of Christ. This requires the Church to lead the way in every area of national life: family, science, agriculture, the arts, education, economics, law, business, etc. As the Church begins to obey the Lord in this, we will be able to offer His answers to the problems which face mankind.

Clarence Chappell
Advertising Sales Representative
East Lansing, Michigan

The 1980’s have definitely been a decade of change in America and in the Christian church. We have seen the radical, anti-establishment values of the ’60s and ’70s replaced by a more conservative emphasis morally and politically. We have seen some firsts, like a black person making a serious run for the presidency of the United States, Jesse Jackson, and a noted Christian statesman, Pat Robertson, making a credible run for the presidency as well.

I believe that this decade, and indeed this year is a time of new beginnings. I believe God has been preparing the way for new leadership, vision and direction to take place all over America. Christians are rising up and starting to make their voices heard, especially politically.

When I first became involved with organizing conservative-minded Christians in political action here in Michigan in 1983, it was very tough. Very few wanted to publicly get involved in picketing, running for office, etc. But that all changed in 1986. Spurred in part by the presidential candidacy of Pat Robertson and a change in the procedures of the State Republican Party, I was able to help recruit thousands of once politically apathetic Christians into the process as precinct delegates.

Over the next two years, these people were able to have a profound impact in the state party to help see that traditional values would reenter our two party system. I believe that this contributed greatly, along with conservative Christian involvement throughout the nation, to the 1988 National Republican Party platform being pro-life, and pro-family.

I also see God raising up Black people to take the lead in areas like fighting abortion. Because of the correlation between slavery, and abortion this is a natural for Black people to take the lead in.

Finally, my desire and vision is to see manhood and the family structure restored to our nation … Especially in Black America, which has been so desecrated with broken homes and a lack of godly parental role models. The curse of broken and single parent homes must be broken if our nation is truly going to be strong from within again.

I am excited about what God is doing in America! I believe this is the greatest time to be serving Jesus and involved in His purposes for your life!

Jon Northup
University of Missouri

America needs a new future to look forward to, fixed on returning whole-heartedly to God’s ways. Without a clear vision of what America should become, we will go aimlessly into our own private pursuits, providing no inspiration to the nations around us, or even to our own children. One thing we need is a strong and honorable leader for President. I hope for the day when our President will stand up for what’s right: a man of genuine integrity, wisdom, and decisiveness.

We need a President of deep conviction who can cut through the confusion of a crisis situation and see the way clearly to action. He will be a man able to rise above dishonest political maneuvers, one who commands the respect of even his hateful critics. Most of all he will have great faith and trust in God, Who can give him the ability to lead America on a right course. Every time he speaks, the people will know in their hearts that it is good, and that God is using him.

But to have such a President as leader, it is first necessary that Americans open the door. I am persuaded, especially in our American system, that a nation’s leader is only as good as its people deserve. We must stop being a selfish people! We must stop denying God’s laws and acknowledge their eternal truth. We must become a people who fear punishment for violating His moral code.

We must see through the deceptiveness of our “good intentions” and admit that we need help. America must PRAY for guidance back to Him, so that He will provide us with a great leader.

At the University of Missouri, I find myself among students who are going to become America’s leaders. On campus, I work to apply Godly character to every course of study and personal habit in my own life. I look to weigh the issues that face our society and find the truth from God’s perspective. I ask for God to show me my motives and actions for what they really are so He can change me. I hope this will equip me to make my contribution to this vision for the future, and perhaps even to be an inspiration to others to do the same.


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