Castro: Marxism’s Last Holdout

It has been over two years since Fidel Castro stood boldly atop a podium in Havana on the 30th anniversary of the Cuban revolution. From the Plaza de la Revolución he shouted: “!Marxismo-Leninismo o Muerte!” – Marxism-Leninism or death!

This was a shock for many of the Cubans listening on that New Year’s Day celebration. The regimes of the most powerful dictatorships were weighed in the balance in that coming year … and were found empty. Many of Castro’s own people now find him to be insane – they now sing a song: “That Man is Crazy.” And they begin to dream of a time when they will be liberated from him.

The United States’ sweeping victory over the treachery of a Middle Eastern strongman has led many political analysts to focus their prognosis on Cuba and the fate of its aging dictator. The World Monitor’s Georgie Anne Geyer, a reporter who has followed Castro’s career for over 30 years recently suggested that Castro is “Not likely to go quietly …

“That is what would make his end so important – and potentially so terrifying at the same time. Fidel Castro is not a man likely to go quietly into the night to fade away, or to move into forgotten exile somewhere; that is not his style, and his combative psychology would not permit that” (“The Last Communist,” World Monitor, March 1991).

One possibility suggested by analysts is civil war within Castro’s army, which many feel has already begun its initial stages. Castro, who is in his 70s, has been the target of attempted assassinations over the years, which he has blamed on the United States. However, it is likely that it will be the people of Cuba and not an outside force who will depose Castro.

A brighter scenario is the fact that Castro has allowed greater religious freedom in the past few years even while his twilight legacy has left Cuba with nothing more than the empty promises of Marxism replete with a culture empty of moral values.

The Church has been growing in Cuba and some say that the believers number at a million. This strong evangelical revival is poised to break onto the political scene. The effect that Cuban Christians will have on government may play as great a great role in the downfall of communism as did the Christians in Eastern Europe last year.

What is the force of change that is behind the downfall of tyranny? Without intervention from the United States, many tyrannical world governments are being reformed or are being dramatically crushed by an unseen force.

What does God’s word have to say about it? The prophet Daniel foretold of this very hour when he saw the final collapse of tyrannical governments which are opposed to the rule of Christ (Daniel 2). God Himself is crushing these governments into powder. He is opening the doors, pulling down all the walls and removing the curtain to allow for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the whole world.


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