Honduran student testimony

TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS (FR) – Jose Young had always heard that the United States was a Christian nation. This was what led him to come to America from his native Honduras to study engineering at Southwest State University in southern Minnesota.

But after becoming very disillusioned, Jose abandoned the Christian beliefs that he held and began to seek new friends. He was dismayed with the problems of racism and became bitter with white Americans. “There were so many bad racist incidents, that I began to devise a plan to return home and get my revenge by turning my country into a socialist society,” he related.

Jose became indoctrinated in the tenets of revolution by reading the works of Fidel Castro, Karl Marx, Che Guevara, and Malcolm X. “These were the models that I wanted to imitate,” he said. Young began to believe that Honduras needed a Marxist revolution similar to the Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua.

However, a few days before he was due to return to Honduras, he was invited to a church service. At that meeting, Jose Young saw the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ and became a Christian. After receiving his bachelor’s degree, he returned to Honduras to assist the Maranatha Campus Mininstry in Tegucigalpa.

Jose’s goals are very different now; he is no longer advocating violent revolution. “I want to be a part of the reconstruction of Honduras – a reconstruction based on Christian principles. God is going to use me in the restoration and reformation of our society. I want to train leaders to be mighty men of God. We are going to experience a national revival.”

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The Model of Christian Liberty. This DVD includes “Dawn’s Early Light: A Brief History of America’s Christian Foundations” and bonus features.

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