“On Campus” Editions are Coming!

When The Forerunner began in 1981, God directed a few individuals to start a publication which would reach the young people of this generation with the message of the gospel.

The method was calculated: to boldly penetrate the minds and hearts of students with biblical truth by invading the most strategic strongholds of atheistic humanism – the university campuses of America.

The Forerunner was a lonely voice in a vast wilderness of student apathy and pessimism during those first few months, but the news of a growing conservative movement began to flourish by late 1982. By 1983, thirty-five conservative newspapers had been started on major secular campuses. The number more than doubled in an another year. Even at the U.C. Berkeley campus, which has long carried the reputation of being the most liberal of academic institutions in the U.S., students were following that trend: One survey proved that twice as many Berkeley students considered themselves conservative as did those in 1971.

All during this time The Forerunner was addressing issues which were at the center of campus debate. We presented biblical alternatives to Marxism, feminism and welfare statism. We challenged the student audience to re-evaluate the propaganda and liberal bias that they are continuously subjected to in the classroom. We even staged a forum between a creationist and an evolutionist and printed their arguments. We were determined to bring American students face to face with the realities of the Word of God as it applies to modern life and controversial social issues.

This newspaper has gone out like seed on what was originally dry and rocky soil. But over the past ten years God has obviously been watering and plowing the ground to make it fertile for a spiritual harvest. Even the secular news media today is reporting on the increased interest on campus. Religion courses in the major universities are filling up at record rates. The spiritual climate is obviously changing: the stolid pessimism of the past is being replaced by a reawakening to traditional values, to patriotism, and to morality.

But we cannot stop here! The war of ideas on the American campus is far from being over. Even though the communist world has been shaken during the past two years, American academia has been vigorously propping up the same liberal, socialistic values as they did in the past. Only this time it is under the guise of subtle new terms such as “Politically Correct Thinking” and “Global Environmentalism.” The devil’s advocates – obviously provoked by the new surge of traditional values and spiritual feeling spawned among the students of the 1990s, are even more vehement.

That is why it is imperative that we drive full-force into this battle for the campuses of America with renewed vigor and hard-hitting ammunition. In the coming months of September, October and November, our primary focus will be to reach the college campuses of America. The Forerunner’s campus editions will be invading the university setting this Fall. The next three issues are being especially designed to appeal to today’s collegiate audience. Although they will contain the same type of material as we have always presented, our “Special Campus Editions” will have a sharp, evangelistic edge aimed right at the heart of today’s student.

The Forerunner was conceived with the vision of being the prophetic voice on the campuses of America which would spark the seeds of destiny hidden in the hearts of the young people in America. The plan is to disburse hundreds of thousands of copies of The Forerunner among the students. When Truth is presented in any form, it will always gain ascendency over the godless philosophies of the world simply because it is the Truth of God.

Many prophecies have been given over The Forerunner saying that the seed that was sown through this newspaper would be harvested in a great spiritual awakening that would occur on the university campuses of America.

Every month we have articles combatting the theory of evolution, exposing godless philosophies in education and reporting the progress of the gospel in the world. Within this framework are dorm Bible studies directed at college students, powerful salvation testimonies, and evangelistic articles. Every month there are articles on abortion because there is no biblical perspective on abortion being given on our campuses.

This is the vision of The Forerunner: to be a prophetic voice to the students. The printed word is a powerful weapon to destroy the godless philosophies of the kingdoms of this world. We seek God as to what He would have us print and every month we present God’s viewpoint on the issues.

God is looking for just a few people to catch a vision for breaking new ground and reaching thousands of people through the printed word.

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