AALARM sparks national grassroots movement

CAMBRIDGE, MA (FR) – Adam Webb and Ken DeGiorgio, co-founders of AALARM (Association Against Learning in the Absence of Religion and Morality) at Harvard University have sparked interest in their group among students throughout America. A national resurgence of students dedicated to reclaiming traditional American and Christian values is behind this network.

“This is really a grassroots network,” says DeGiorgio, “We have no national headquarters or anything like that. It’s very democratic.”

Spurred on by stories of AALARM’s controversial outspokenness on issues ranging from abortion, homosexual politics, and politically correct thinking, other students at Columbia, Yale, Stanford, UMass/Amherst, and the University of Tennessee have also formed AALARM chapters. “Some are really active, others are just getting started,” said DeGiorgio. The AALARM chapter at Harvard was begun in the Spring of 1990, and has since been the subject of several nationally circulated news articles.

University students may obtain more information in forming an AALARM chapter by writing: AALARM, Winthrop House, Box 205, 32 Mill Street, Cambridge, MA, 02138

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