Florida County school board supports student prayer gathering
JACKSONVILLE, Florida – The Duvall County school board of Jacksonville, Florida has officially sanctioned “See You At The Pole” as an student sponsored event.
In a memorandum to all Middle and High School principals, liaison for legal affairs Vicki Reynolds stated that “the event can proceed without violating any Constitutional provisions if certain guidelines: (1) The event must be totally student-initiated and student-led. (2) No school faculty or staff should participate or lead the activities. (3) The event should not disrupt the routine of the school day.
Reynolds further noted that the “persons promoting this event have been most cooperative, and the activities should occur with minimal problems.”
Says promoter David Burton, “We are very excited about this and we believe that it is going to help nationally in the event.” Burton notes that every major Christian revival that has occurred in the United States has begun with a youth emphasis. It was the “Jesus Revolution” of the 1960s and the Asbury College campus revival of the early 1970s that caused some of the greatest years of evangelism in modern American history.
“With the problem of drugs, sexual activity, and crimes in general, it is time that our students ‘sound the alarm’ as Joel stated in chapter two 3000 years ago,” says Burton.
“The alarm is not to be sounded to wage war, but to come against the war that is already going on among our students. Statistics prove that morals, habits, and actions of students are declining and it is time for Christian young people and Christian school leaders to stand up for the rights which we have to proclaim the gospel and pray for God to send a revival across this nation.”
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