Abortion or Infanticide?

A recent Boston Globe story described how an aborted baby continued to live, gasping and twitching in a bedpan, abandoned to a small room in a Philadelphia hospital with other aborted children.

Dr. Joseph L. Melnick was convicted of infanticide, or withholding proper medical treatment to a baby born alive. Melnick faces 3-1/2 to 7 years in prison.

The article stated that Melnick performed an abortion for a 13 year-old girl seeking her second abortion in 10 months. The girl and her mother told him that she was 4-1/2 months pregnant. The Globe stated that the baby was of 32 weeks gestation, or 8 months, and weighed 3 pounds 9 ounces and was 17 inches long.

Melnick testified that “the baby appeared like a doll. It just didn’t have any life; it was listless and flacid, and it certainly did not breathe, and it didn’t cry, I was very certain that the baby was stillborn.”

But nursing supervisor Pearl Reznick testified that she found the baby alive an hour after the abortion. “The back was arched, the head was drawn back, the eyes were closed and the arms were limp hanging. And then I saw it take a gasp.”

Reznick said she heard a faint heartbeat, three other doctors were called in and two of them said that they also heard a heartbeat. the baby was taken to the emergency room and pronounced dead at 11 p.m. Another hospital nurse notified the state, prompting Melnick’s arrest, the Globe reported.


I think that this is absolutly horrific. I don’t care what anyone says I think that abortion should be illegal. No matter what when a woman is pregnant that baby is still human and you are killing a human being. I think that anyone who has a abortion should be charged with murder and that includes the person who done it.

Putting the morality of abortion aside, and ignoring the fact that this baby was born alive and left to die, what is this 13-year-old doing, getting TWO abortions within TEN MONTHS?! Who was charged with statutory rape in her case? Were the authorities even notified? Was the mother covering up for the father of the baby, who may have been her own husband, or some other family member? How does this sort of thing happen?

Ignoring the fact that this baby was born alive and left to die? Why would anyone, even Barrack Obama, want to do that?

I believe that the whole story could possibly not have been told on behalf of the 13 yr. old girl. however it could verywell have been. and she will get her share in the end. but i am 100% against any type of abortion. why arrest one man for aborting a baby when we could just go pro life. and change it all. if anyone has any ?‘s please feel free to e-mail me at Mkeller_08@yahoo.com

I don’t understand how this is not murder. It’s a life that is being destroyed. We’re living in an unborn holocaust.

I believe that life brgins as soon as the egg and the sperm meets. I feel that abortions are being used today as a form of contraception with a lot of young females. I find it it unethical and immoral to even begin to think how a woman could have one much less two or three.

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