By Ronald H. Anderson
Viewing the birth of freedom, as it has been reported throughout Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union recently, brings to mind the rights of freedom we all enjoy in the United States. An issue which has been raging since the early 70s concerns the right of “freedom of choice.” One choice concerns reproductive rights and the freedom to choose abortion or the birth of a child.
The new forming democracies in Eastern Europe and in the Soviet Union will be facing some cold, hard facts concerning the cost of freedom and democracy. The success or failure of these new democracies will depend on the inspired desire of the people and leaders to take on all of the responsibilities of democracy and the results of their actions. Freedom in this context will last only as long as those involved are willing to act responsibly in order to preserve that freedom.
We all have many choices to make in our lives, especially in our democratic society. If we choose to drive our automobile in an unsafe manner and cause an accident, we are responsible for that action and its consequences. If we choose to break to law in any other way and are caught, we must pay the penalty according to the law. In the realm of personal freedom, we are responsible for our actions.
Human reproduction is no different. If we choose to have intercourse and it results in the conception of a child, we are responsible for that action and its results. At that time of choice, our choice has been made. If it is our desire together or separately not to produce a child, then we have to take the responsible action to prevent that result.
Another fool proof option is abstinence. Many people in today’s society have a difficult time accepting this basic concept of freedom and responsibility which are inseparable. Some of our baby boom, permissive generation of the 60s and 70s cannot relate to being responsible for the results of their sexual activity. Why not? Why destroy a life because it may be inconvenient to have a child?
Freedom is a precious right in all aspects. However, we must take full responsibility for it or we will lose it as happened in China. The Chinese people not only lost their bid for freedom, but are penalized if they have more than one child.
Let us not abuse our freedom but use it with responsibility. Abortion is not a responsible use of our freedom. Permissive legislation is not the answer in defending individual freedom – responsible legislation is! Comprehensive sex education in our schools, homes and religious institutions is absolutely necessary for the formation of a sexually responsible free society.