Norm Stone – Abortion Walk

KANSAS CITY, MO (FR) – After trekking across America on foot to motivate and mobilize the nation against abortion, Rev. Norm Stone and Rev. Jerry Horn are ready to repeat the arduous ordeal again. In fact, they will be doing it seven times, beginning September 1st. Halfway through the second walk, they took a three month break to move their office and families from Wisconsin to Kansas City, Missouri.

They will be back on the road in September, beginning in Delaware. Stone said his son, Todd, a recent high-school graduate, will be joining him for the coast to coast trek. During the first walk in 1986, Stone said he and Horn received much publicity, especially because of the pro-life petition which was presented to President Reagan. Over three million signatures appeared on that petition, which called for an end to abortion in America. “We got a lot of national attention, and spoke to tens of thousands of people,” said Stone.

Horn said the first walk was to “rally the troops,” but the response was minimal. “People were not motivated by the statistics or gory pictures, but only by God’s heart.” All seven of the projected walks are scheduled to be finished by 1993.

“This second walk has been less fancy, and we haven’t had very many resources,” related Stone. “We needed to make a commitment to continue. We’re doing our part, and we’re not alone.” The organization isn’t sponsored by any national ministry, but Horn and Stone’s families are supported from monthly pledges.

The two families spend 80 percent of their time on the road, walking miles each day to bring an end to the abortion holocaust. Results are not immediate, but they believe they are making a difference “one step at a time.”

“The greatest disappointment is that we Christians see the need, and rally around it, but when things aren’t changed after two years, we put it aside,” Horn explained. “But I’m looking at the long haul. It’s easy to rally around a cause, to do sit-ins and pickets, but we’re looking at changing the heart of a nation.”

Stone agreed, adding, “Apathy is a tragedy. I want to light a fire in people’s hearts.” The long-range goals of Walk America for Life (WAFL) are to see legalized abortion come to an end; to restore right attitudes toward the value of human life; and to lift up the name of the Lord Jesus Christ as the Author of all life.

Both wives, Judi Stone and Bonnie Horn, are fully supportive of the Walk. “Walk America for Life” began in 1985 at the Santa Monica Pier in Los Angeles. Stone and Horn logged over 100,000 miles on that journey. In 1983, they founded “Project: Save Our Babies” a non-profit educational program devoted to public discussion about the facts on abortion.

Stone said Walk America for Life was “born in my heart … during an extended fast in January of 1985. As the Lord shared His grief with us over the destruction of the unborn, we determined to answer His call to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves – no matter what the personal cost.”

If you would like more information on Walk America for Life, write: Walk America for Life, P.O. Box 16155, Kansas City, MO 64131.


I was just reading “Intercessory Prayer” by Dutch Sheets and read about the vision God gave you concerning the walk. Have you completed the journey seven times yet? I am curious to know – I want to lift this up in prayer. Perhaps each step represents each child killed. You must finish what God gave you to do if we are going to get our nation back. Glory to His Name.

Soy de Argentina, estoy leyendo un libro de Jim W Goll en donde menciona su renuncia la pastorado para seguir el mandato del Señor. Dios bendiga mas abundantemente sus vidas. Gracias por luchar por los que no pueden manifestar sus ganas de vivir

I would like to speak with Norm or Judi, please. I’ve served in ministry with the prayer fellowship movement in DC for 16 years.
God is prompting me and my wife, Colleen to directly advocate for the unborn. Our niece, an M.D. Obgyn specialist wrote her story. We want to get it into the hands of every decision maker or their office.
I spoke with our dear pastor friend Ed Tedeschi. He recommended I reach out to you. It was while I served as his associate pastor at Summit Avenue in St. Paul, that we attended the prayer vigil you conducted years ago.
My phone number is: 202-679-1413
I would love to receive counsel and learn how we can collaborate in this noble work.
And we do share our deepest sympathy on hearing of your brother Stan’s passing away. May the Lord comfort you all.


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