Women Injured by Abortion Bring Action Suits Against Clinics

ATLANTA (ALL) – At least four lawsuits have been filed in Atlanta against local abortion mills by women who are claiming mental and physical damages resulted from the killing of their babies at those clinics, according to Charlie Wysong of American Rights Coalition.

Mr. Wysong said he believed there are at least seven more suits being prepared.

American Rights Coalition, based in Chattanooga, Tennessee, seeks to help women who have been injured by abortion through referral for counseling, and for medical and legal assistance.

Mr. Wysong announced to the press in Atlanta March 20, that Atlanta area clinics are already reacting to this legal campaign. Staffers at the Atlanta Surgi-Center have three times in the past 10 days called ambulances to transport women to local hospitals, rather than covering their mistakes – and risking further liability – by using private cars, as in the past.

Picketers outside the Surgi-Center say they cannot remember seeing an ambulance there in six years.

Mr. Wysong remarked, “I think they are changing the way they treat women. I still think they have total disregard for the women and for the baby. But they understand the possibility now of massive malpractice suits.”

The damages to women who have had abortions are real, but there is also a strategic component to Mr. Wysong’s efforts. He explains that the pro-life movement has alleged for years that abortion injures women. “The malpractice lawsuits afford us the opportunity to prove the allegation beyond a shadow of a doubt. It’s time we started turning the microscope on them and making them account for the way they’ve treated women. Abortion may be legal but fraud and malpractice are not.”

Mr. Wysong’s organization, ARC, now has 60 billboards up in Atlanta, encouraging women to call his toll-free number. There are 20 more in Augusta, Georgia, and 10 in Macon, Georgia. Soon there will be 40 or 50 in Birmingham, Alabama, and Mr. Wysong reports inquires from all over the country as Americans become aware that women who have had abortions often need to know where to go for help.

Mr. Wysong added that the American Rights Coalition is looking for women who have given birth to children with mental or physical handicaps after a prior abortion. He stated that abortion injuries such as scarring of the uterus can sometimes impair the development of the child in the womb. If the injuries are documentable, a damage suit may be successful.

For more information contact The American Rights Coalition, P.O. Box 487, Chattanooga, TN 37401.

1 Comment

my wife had a abortion and the doctor could not remove it from her uterus. she sat there for 45 min while he poked and pulled on her. after she said she could not take any more pain he stopped. they sent her home with the ru 48 pile , well they did not work either, she was in pain for 2 days so we carried her back to the clinic, he said that everything thing was ok that it may take up to a week for her to pass it. the next day she had a car wreck and when they took her to the er the doc told her you better be glad you wrecked because she would have probably died in her sleep because she was bleeding internaly from the abortion. i would like to know if we could get a mal practice suit from this. you can reach me at 205-435-1159

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