Christian Committees of Correspondence: The Second American Revolution

By the rude Bridge that arched the flood,
Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled,
Here once the embattled farmers stood,
And fired the shot heard round the world.

Spirit, that made those heroes dare
To die, or leave their children free,
Bid Time and Nature gently spare
The shaft we raise to them and Thee.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Concord Battle Hymn

THERE IS A NEW AMERICAN REVOLUTION going on today – one without bullets or armed conflict, but just as vital to the preservation of our freedom.

In the 1770s, “committees of correspondence” were created by American Patriots. These committees had a tremendous impact on the social institutions of the colonies and played a vital role in winning America’s independence from Great Britain.

Plymouth Rock Foundation’s Christian Committees of Correspondence (or “ComCors”) is the modern version of these groups. The national office is a resource center which networks other ComCors throughout the United States; and provides basic study materials in biblical principles of government, education, economics and U.S. history.

Perhaps God is calling you today to be a 21st century patriot – to be used to change the world you live in. You will never know until you seize your destiny in God and get started with an organized plan of action. One good way to get started is to receive Plymouth Rock Foundation’s Leadership Manual. For only $25, you can receive all the information you need to get started in a bold plan to revolutionize America in our day.

1 Comment

je vous salut par le nom de JESUS. Je vien par votre site a porter cette message qui me preoccupe beaucoup. je suis etudiant mais je n’ai pas le BAC mais j’ai mon BEPC .pardonner je cherche de bourse d’etude etrangère. je sais que vous ne donner pas de bourse mais escuse moi aidez moi .


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