Reformation Bible Institute equips students on a theological and practical level. Students are also given extensive training in the historic and global dimensions of their faith in order to form a comprehensive Christian worldview. RBI also offers ministry internships to students who graduate and assists in finding good affiliations for potential ministers. Reformation Bible Institute is training Christians who desire greater intimacy with Christ and increased fruitfulness in their ministry. Your life will be dramatically impacted by RBI correspondence school.
RBI Correspondence Curriculum
Systematic Theology for Reformation – Development of a systematic theology based upon a biblical worldview and the common Biblical principles in regard to the church’s mission. Soteriology, Ecclesiology and Eschatology from a Reformed perspective is delineated. The differences between Revival and Spiritual Awakening are explored. Texts: Workbook 21, Jeff Ziegler and Systematic Theology, Charles Hodge.
Covenantalism and the Scriptures – Exploration of the historic Reformed position in regard to the interpretation of Scripture in contrast to the dispensational model. This class is essential in understanding the progressive nature of spiritual awakening and reformation. Text: Wrongly Dividing the Word, J. Gerstner.
Anatomy of Revival – Serves both as an introduction to the concepts to the concepts of revival and missions as well as a primer in spiritual warfare.
Texts: Ministry of Intercession, A. Murray; Operation World, P. Johnstone; Workbook 200, Ron Auvil.
RBI Registration: All classes $98, or all three for $275
Make all donation-tuitions payable to RBI, 35155 Beachpark Drive, Eastlake, Ohio 44095
Or call for more information: (216) 289-2553