Missions Book List

The following is a suggested list of excellent books that will help you to learn more about missions – the need, the burden, the lifestyle, and the ministry. Check with your local bookstore – they can order them for you if they don’t have them in stock.

Bruchko – The remarkable story of Bruce Olson. As a 19-year-old American boy, he followed the call of the Lord against incredible odds into the jungles of Venezuela. Near death after being shot with an arrow, he recovered and, all alone, without the help of any missionary society, he evangelized the savage Motilone Indians.
- by Bruce Olson; Creation House.

Peace Child – The contemporary story of a man who went into a tribe of stone-age cannibals whose source of tribal pride was seeing “who could be the most treacherous.” Don Richardson and his family lived an incredible adventure among these people and brought them to know and love the true Peace Child.
- by Don Richardson; Regal.

Operation World: A Handbook For World Intercession – As well as describing the economic and religious status of each nation, this book tells you what is currently being done to bring these people to Christ. It is an effective prayer tool since it is full of statistics and specific prayer requests for each nation.
- by P.J. Johnstone;
Send The Light Publications.

The General Next To God – The moving and exciting story of William and Catherine Booth and the founding of the Salvation Army in the slums of England.
- by Richard Collier; Fontana.

Eternity In Their Hearts – This book gives a remarkable insight into the vast opportunities of world evangelism. It shows many factual instances of groups of people who, through their ancient folklore, are totally prepared to receive the Gospel. They are literally waiting for and expecting God to show up. all they need is someone to lead them to the truth.
- by Don Richardson; Regal.

Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret – Hudson Taylor was the pioneer of modern faith missions. His life is and incredible adventure as we follow the story of the founding of the China Inland Mission in the 1800’s..
- by Dr. & Mrs. Howard Taylor;
Moody Press.

Key To The Missionary Problem – Although written as a response to the Missions Conference of 1901, this summons to action for missions is as burning and contemporary as when first issued. This is a book of great intensity, which sounds forth a rousing and solemn call to new activity, fresh consecration, and more abundant prayer for the cause of missions..
- by Andrew Murray;
Christian Literature Crusade.

God Smuggler – The exciting, true account of one man’s dedication to Christ, and burden to bring God’s Word to those behind the “closed doors” of the Iron Curtain.
- by Brother Andrew; Spire.

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