More Letters on Russian Forerunner

As a student of the Russian language and Soviet society, I know the seeds that are being planted and the harvest that’s being reaped. I want you to know that even the “token” issues which were sent to some friends of mine were not in vain; they were given to me and soon passed on to native Russians in this country!

Teri D. Van Leuvan
New Lebanon, New Hampshire

Siberian student enjoys Russian Forerunner

Greetings from Siberia! I enjoyed the time I spent with you in Moscow. I saw the first issue of the Russian “Forerunner” – (Predvestnik). The first issue was good.

Here is a document that your readers might find interesting. It says that the owner of it is a member of the Pioneers Organization of Lenin of school #35. This is a communist youth group. Inside there is a poem: “In your hearts a big power is growing. Roads, storm, and wind are waiting for you. Live so that you will not be ashamed to look into the eyes of our dear Lenin.” On the other side it says that your name is written down in the Book of Honor. And you have the honor to have your picture taken next to the flag, the banner of the Pioneers Organization of school #35. Now they don’t use this card anymore. And there is no longer a Pioneers Organization in our school.

Murad Abdul-Ali
Krasnoyarsk, Siberia

Question about Gorbachev quote

I am really enjoying reading The Forerunner. You take courageous stands. I was struck with your quotation by Gorbachev in the September 1991 issue. Could you give me the source of that quotation? It’s powerful.

Herbert Links
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Editor’s note: Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev resigned as Communist Party chief after the failed coup attempt last August. Several days later, Gorbachev emerged from a day long debate with the Supreme Soviet over the secession of several Soviet states. During the meeting, he threatened to resign as President as well. A CNN broadcast televised a short clip of his exchange with reporters after the meeting. His answers were described by CNN as being “rambling and incoherent.” This is when he made the quote: “Only Jesus Christ could solve problems such as these.” Gorbachev is an avowed atheist.


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