Christian Youth International July 1991 Conference

Christian Youth International is a fast growing campus movement in the Soviet Union!

A July 3-7 conference was attended by 2000 university students. Out of the many who attended, one thousand student leaders were selected to to be intensively trained as campus evangelists at three upcoming discipleship conferences in August, October, November and December. Then in January, a “Youth Celebration ’92” conference will be held January 21-26. This will be attended by all the students who are saved as a result of the labor of the 1000 campus workers.

Exciting miracles took place at the July conference and several revivals broke out among the students in their cities in the following weeks.

  • On Friday night, the glory of God fell during a healing service. Literally hundreds of students were healed and several notable miracles took place. Deaf ears were opened and eyesight was restored to several people.
  • Following the conference, hundreds of students were saved at evangelistic meetings in the city of Kazan. An infant church has been birthed there. The plan of CYI is to send evangelism teams wherever revival breaks out. CYI will establish churches in the cities of the Soviet Union where many students are being won to the Lord.

How did such great fruit come to be harvested in such a short period of time? The move of the Holy Spirit in the Soviet Union is unprecedented – God is being glorified in this nation. Using a simple leadership training program, Bob Weiner, founder of Christian Youth International, has the spurred rapid growth of this movement among university and high school students.

Earlier this year, 100 Soviet Christian leaders were interviewed and 20 were selected to go in teams of two to interview students in hundreds of cities all across the eleven time zones of the Soviet Union. 300 students attended a five day leadership conference in April. Each student was exhorted to believe God to win many other students to Christ. To equip them in their task, they were provided with 10,000 Bibles and hundreds of Jesus Brings New Life Bible study books in the Russian language.

A tremendous response soon followed – since January, the movement has increased over one-hundredfold. As the July conference began, there was the anticipation that God was doing something monumental among this group. The sessions consisted of celebratory praise and worship, which could begin in dead silence in the awesome presence of God, and then slowly accelerate into an explosive time of dancing and jubilant praise. Hundreds of students were baptized in an Olympic size swimming pool. Many others were filled with the Holy Spirit and delivered from demonic oppression.

The change in these young people was evident – many were transformed night by night – as they entered into a powerful time of anointed preaching, teaching and equipping. Five afternoon workshops, plus a morning and evening session, gave each student the opportunity to soak in over 50 hours of training during the five day conference.

Meals and lodging for the 2000 students were paid for by Christian Youth International. Bob Weiner reported that only one week before the commencement of the conference, as a sign of God’s miraculous provision, tens of thousands of dollars poured in providing enough money to pay for the total expenses of the conference including food and lodging for 2000 students and the printing of thousands of Bible study books.

Where will this revival take the young people of the Soviet Union? Several of the conference’s speakers indicated that this revival is now reaching a greater intensity level than what transpired 20 years ago during the “Jesus Movement” in Southern California. It is evident that God is raising up a new generation of church leaders who will take the Soviet Union into the 21st century.

Some are predicting that this awakening could continue and may grow to the magnitude of the First Great Awakening of the 1740s, during which one-third of the American colonists were saved. If this is the case, then there is the real potential of harvesting over 100 million souls (one-third of the 300 million population of the Soviet Union) for the Kingdom of God before the year 2000. This awakening could turn into the greatest move of God in human history.


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