Latin American Evangelist Luis Palau Preaches in Soviet Union

RIGA, Latvia (EP) – Evangelist Luis Palau told several thousand Soviet citizens in the Latvian capital of Riga that “all over the world we praise God for you, for what God is doing in your land and for the great enthusiasm there is here for the Lord.” Latvia is a republic of the Soviet Union, and is located on the Baltic Sea.

Palau has been in the Soviet Union since September 8 holding a public crusade sponsored by the Russian Orthodox Church and other churches. Soviet officials said that his meetings are the first such meetings there since the 1917 revolution.

“I look forward to lifting up the name of Jesus Christ here,” said the Latin American born evangelist. Palau spoke to an audience of 7,000 on September 10 at a large concert hall where he extended a public invitation to receive Jesus Christ as Lord. About 1,300 people responded and received free Russian New Testaments.


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