Letters to Predvestnik

(Translated into English from Russian by Roman Medvid)

Letter #1.

Dear friends!

I came to a breaking point recently in my life (I’m now 53) – and I am shocked. My mother, a true Christian, died this year. While living she had been trying to admonish me in the knowledge of God, but she died without a positive result. Recently I bought a copy of Predvestnik and was invited to The House of Prayer (a church), I was taught in the basic knowledge of God after 53 years of being deceived. And I was completely shaken.

Now I have been changed! I read the article “Who is Jesus Christ” in Predvestnik – and I repeat – I was shaken by the story of the life of Jesus Christ and the acts done by Him for the sake of the people living in the earth. I am now studying The New Testament, which was given to me in The House of Prayer by some young preachers, who were probably from Ukraine …

A.S. Kleshevnikov
Izhevsk, Russia

Letter #2.

The following letter was written by Nikolai, who is currently in a Siberian prison. Nikolai became a Christian in the prison hospital. At the time we received this letter, Nikolai’s church consisted of 8 prisoners; we have testimonies of some of these believers.

I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour and thank Him for opening my eyes to the spiritual life, and helping me to get rid of bad habits. He helped me to break links with my past and to get away from my carnal life in which I was mired in iniquities and the hopeless leprosy of sin. I would never have thought that Someone is able to change my thoughts and my entire life. The thing that neither my school nor militia could do, my almighty Lord Jesus Christ has done.

On the 1st of December 1991, our church kept covenant with the Lord through water baptism. Also, we try to reach out all the prisoners with the Gospel that they would accept Jesus as their Savior. We pray that the Lord bring the revival into our prison, into all hearts that have not accepted the Lord.

May God Himself abundantly bless you who love our Lord Jesus Christ fervently. Praise Him!

N.N. Denisov
Prison code: UO 68/14 Br-19
Krasnodar, Siberia

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