Report from Ukraine: Predvestnik’s 4th press run

I’ve got some good news that should please you. First, the last issue of Predvestnik was the most successful from a financial perspective. We covered our expenses for printing and, in addition, made some money for salaries. I must tell you about a change in our staff. Vadim left for another job, and we found another guy, whose name is Sergei Zavgorodny. He’s already written an article in the current issue, and it is going to be very successful. At the same time, we began a wide advertising campaign for Predvestnik in Russia. Also, we have started a project of printing supplemental issues devoted to different topics such as rock music, sports, etc. By the way, Predvestnik is the only [Christian] newspaper in our country that still has 16 pages; all others have reduced their size.

Beginning with this issue, we started bulk subscriptions (50 copies or more) for churches and campuses. We are receiving letters from all regions of the former USSR. We have some orders from Christian ministers to publish Christian materials who want to use Predvestnik as a base. This will also help us financially. Last thing: Praise the Lord, now I can hold the new issue [no. 4] of Predvestnik in my hands! I promise to send you copies of it soon. 11.5 tons of paper is stored in the printing house as property of Predvestnik. Our profit from the last issue was 6,000 rubles.

Alexei Salapatov
Kiev, Ukraine

Note to donors to Predvestnik: The Russian language Forerunner is registered as part of a non-profit organization in the republic of Ukraine. The fifth issue of Predvestnik is due to be printed this fall. We have enough paper stored to print the next few issues (at least 200,000 copies total).

If you have donated money to Predvestnik since April 1991 and would like a detailed summary of how The Forerunner has invested this money, write us and we will send you a financial statement.

Friends of The Forerunner

I had a dream the other night that might encourage you. I saw a Russian college student tearfully testifying of his conversion to Christ. I woke up, and these words came immediately to mind: “How beautiful are the feet of him who brings good news.” I knew the dream applied to you, the Weiners, Rusty Russell, and all who have diligently labored in Russia and the Ukraine. That is why I felt God wanted me to join “Friends of The Forerunner.”

Mike Wade
Spokane, Washington

Editor’s note: “Friends of The Forerunner” is a support network that has arisen out of the need to support Predvestnik in the former Soviet Union. Some money raised from donors will also be used to support other projects such as translating Christian books into Russian, beginning a Russian publishing house and supporting distribution of The Forerunner on Ivy League campuses in the Northeast.


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