Subscriptions to Russian Forerunner

I am always blessed when I receive your publication. You cover such a wide range of topics and themes. Your focus on Revival and the work the Spirit is doing worldwide is informative and exciting. I especially appreciate the ministry you have in the former Soviet Union. The Lord gave Hudson Taylor a vision of the revival that is taking place there in the 1870s – God does nothing without first “revealing His plan to His servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7) – and it is thrilling to see it come to pass in our day!

I am writing to find out if it would be possible to buy subscriptions to the Russian Forerunner, Predvestnik, for three families that I correspond with in Tartarstan? It is so hard for me to find out if, at all possible, I can do anything for my brethren over there. There is a burden in my heart for the Body of Christ in the former Soviet Union, but I’m stymied as to what to do.

Tom Richardson
Pendleton, Indiana

Editor’s note: Yes, subscriptions to the Russian Forerunner are available for your friends in Russia. We also have copies of two issues available for Russians living in the United States. See page 20 for more information on how to support the Russian Forerunner.

1 Comment

Hi, waiting and praying with you that God wil send revival soon in Russia and the rest of the globe called earth. He said He will, therefore He will!


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