Russian language Forerunner available in U.S.

What if Russian speaking people here in the U.S.A. desire a Russian language subscription to The Forerunner? My good friend Jean lives in a large apartment complex in Atlanta where there are many Russian immigrants. Is there any provision made for any of them to receive the Russian language Forerunner?

Bruce Klingbeil
Atlanta, Georgia

Editor’s response: Yes, we have copies of the Russian Forerunner (Predvestnik). If you are going to be supporting the Russian Forerunner, we would be happy to see that you get some copies of each issue when they are available. We have no plans to be offering subscriptions in America at this time, but we would be willing to send the issues we have available in bulk quantities. This will be done on a donation only basis.

“The Friends of The Forerunner” club is now starting for people who want to support the Russian Forerunner on an ongoing basis. (For details see page 23.) Part of the donations we receive may go toward evangelizing Russians in the United States. If you are interested in ordering copies of Predvestnik you may use the bulk order form on page . Indicate that you want to order copies of the Russian Forerunner.

Another request for the Russian Forerunner

I appreciate hearing from you, especially receiving the issues of the Russian Forerunner. I know that the Russian families who attend our church will greatly enjoy them because only several of them have learned to read English, even to a limited degree. In the future, if possible, I’d appreciate receiving a copy of the Russian Forerunner. We’d also like to contribute financially in the future.

John Heisler
Moorestown, New Jersey


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