Yeltsin – A Christian?

“We are believers now, but we need more help.” – Boris Yeltsin

MOSCOW (FR) – Moses Vegh, of Ambassador Ministries in Budapest Hungary, spoke at a Christian Youth International conference in March and related to student leaders in attendance that he had met Boris Yeltsin. Speaking of his wife and himself, Yeltsin told Vegh: “We are believers now … But we need more help.”

“We met at a tennis match,” said Vegh later. “It was the only time that Yeltsin had to spend with his grandson. We spoke only briefly and this is what he told me.” Moses Vegh was guarded in his interpretation of Yeltsin’s statement, but expressed optimism with regard to the Russian President’s request for help: “He has asked to meet with us again.”


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Ronald Reagan changed his view as a result of watching The Silent Scream – a movie he considered so powerful and convicting that he screened it at the White House.

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