Recommended Books on Origins


1. Norman Macbeth, DARWIN RETRIED; Boston, Gambit, 1971:

Macbeth, a retired lawyer, has devoted years of study and research on the subject of Darwinism and the unpublicized writings of evolutionists about the concepts and dogmas espoused therein. He presents an objective analysis of the evidence for and against evolution from the perspective of a jurist. Macbeth doesn’t reveal his personal beliefs about origins, but he appears to have “evolved” from a Darwinist to a skeptic in the course of his research on the subject. His book provides an excellent basis for student review and evaluation of evidence about origins.

2. Frances Crick, LIFE ITSELF; New York, Simon and Schuster, 1981:

Crick, co-winner of the Nobel prize for discovery of the DNA structure and an avowed evolutionist, believes that life could not have originated here on earth. His prestige as one of the foremost researchers in microbiology demands attention among evolutionists when he challenges the entire Darwinian proposition that life evolved on earth against insurmountable odds. Crick concludes that life must have evolved in outer space since it could not have happened on earth, and he does not recognize any other possibility or origin. His book presents convincing arguments against the conventional theory of evolution.

3. Michael Denton, EVOLUTION – A THEORY IN CRISIS; London, Burnett Books, 1985:

Denton, a molecular biologist with a broad background in medical science and research in England, Australia and the United States, has written a deeply penetrating book about Darwinism. His revelations about the nature of DNA, amino acids and the cytochromes have caused a real consternation among biologists. He is himself an evolutionist, but his book raises serious questions about every facet of conventional theories on evolution. He does not advance or promote any philosophy on the subject but presents a scholarly report on a purely technical basis. This book has been written for the layman, and is must reading for anyone seriously interested in the subject of origins.

4. Richard B. Bliss and Gary E. Parker, ORIGIN OF LIFE; San Diego, Creation-Life Publishers, 1979:

Bliss and Parker are creationists today, but Bliss was an active evolutionist for many years. As such, he worked on the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study team in the 1960’s rewriting the biology textbooks for the nation to reflect the evolutionary dogma espoused by the National Science Foundation, and has extensive experience in molecular biology research and education. Their book is presented as a challenge to students to evaluate all available evidence against two models for the origin of life and then make decisions for themselves based on the evidence rather than blindly accepting someone else’s conclusions. This is an easy-reading book that should generate healthy discussions among thoughtful students.

5. Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe, EVOLUTION FROM SPACE; London, J. M. Dent & Co., 1981:

Hoyle, who has called himself an agnostic, was knighted for his outstanding work in astronomy and the steady state theory about the universe; while Wickramasinghe, a self-proclaimed atheistic Buddhist, is a renowned mathematician and astronomer. Their independent mathematical analyses showed that it was totally unlikely that life could result from time, chance and the properties of matter. Together they concluded that “it becomes sensible to think that the properties of physics on which life depends are in every respect deliberate.” Findings of such eminent scientists as these which discredit evolutionary dogma are systematically censored or excluded from textbooks and libraries of public schools.

6. Luther D. Sunderland, DARWIN’S ENIGMA – Fossils and Other Problems; Santee, CA, Master Book Publishers, 1984:
Sunderland, an aerospace engineer with significant achievements in his profession, devoted many years of extracurricular study on the subject of origins. Under the auspices of the New York Board of Regents, he conducted an extensive investigation of fossil evidence through visits to major natural history museums and recorded interviews with their key paleontologists. He found no evidence for Darwin’s gradualism such as transitional fossils (so-called missing links), but he did find that such information was carefully hidden from the general public. Sunderland summarized the results of his reports to the Board of Regents in Darwin’s Enigma, and he conducted a worldwide crusade against censorship of negative information about origins. His motto was “truth in education,” and he opposed teaching of dogmatic philosophies in public schools.

7. R.L. Wysong, THE CREATION-EVOLUTION CONTROVERSY; Midland, MI, Inquiry Press, 1976:

Wysong entered the scientific field through veterinary medicine, but his many activities include teaching human anatomy and physiology. Although he is clearly convinced of the utter improbability of life originating by chance, his book presents a fair analysis of scientific pros and cons about evolution. It is acknowledged by critics to be a serious scientific study of this controversial issue. This book is a scholarly work that provides an excellent reference for laymen.

8. A.E. Wilder-Smith, THE NATURAL SCIENCES KNOW NOTHING OF EVOLUTION; San Diego, Master Books, 1981:

Wilder-Smith has earned doctorates at three different institutions in England and Switzerland in chemistry, pharmacology and medicine. His vast scientific background includes research in chemical industries, cancer research, teaching pharmacology, and authoring over 50 scientific papers and more than 20 books published in eight languages. He has devoted much effort in the study of evidence about origin of life and species. He is clearly a critic of evolution, and gives very convincing technical arguments in support of his position. It would be difficult to challenge his scientific credentials or his intellectual integrity. This is a widely read book and an excellent reference.


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