Creation Scientists Visit Soviet Union

Spiritual discussions become a hot topic among Soviet intellectuals

SANTEE, California (FR) – A team of four scientists from the United States recently spent two weeks in the Soviet Union discussing their views on creation vs. evolution with many Soviet organizations.

Dr. Duane Gish, Vice-President the Institute for Creation Research, Roger Oakland, a creationist lecturer, Eugene Grossman, from the Slavic Gospel Association, and Dale Mason, from Films for Christ presented creationism to top Soviet intellectuals.

A number of Soviet groups, including the Institute of Scientific Atheism, the Institute of Science and Philosophy and the Darwin Museum, held discussions with the American creationists.

How did the Soviets receive their views?

According to Roger Oakland: “Many of the Soviet scientists were publicly willing to express that they believed Darwinian evolution was bankrupt. Many of the questions in our round-table discussions reflected their desire to know more about spiritual things, rather than scientific things.

The Soviets have invited the Americans to return before the year’s end.


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