Creation: A Reflection of the Creator

Quite often, we observe an aspect of nature that inspires us to more fully appreciate God and His Creation. Mountains, oceans, lakes, rivers or trees, can also help us to know more about the Almighty Creator, whose wisdom goes far beyond human knowledge. Let us now examine some aspects of Creation so that we might more fully understand Him.

Only through divine revelation, faith and Scripture, which are the basis for Christianity, can we understand and accept the doctrine of Creation. God can give us the comprehension of Creation through His divine revelation, but along with this we must believe it through faith in an all-powerful Creator. Also, we must read and accept the Scripture, which tells us in detail the story of Creation. In itself, Creation reflects the nature and eternal power of the Triune God (Romans 1:20).

Through all of the magnificent Creation, we can see the character and attributes of its Creator. In the strong oak trees we can see His strength. Through the majestic mountains, we can see His glory and majesty. Through the creation of the human body, we observe His creativity and intricacy. These examples are just a minute fraction of what we can learn of God through His Creation.

When we view the wonder of His Creation, we stand in awe because of the power and other characteristics which are so evident. We also stand in humility. The more we see of the beauty of Creation, the more we can humble ourselves before our great God who, in His omnipotence, sent His precious Son to die so that we, all unworthy sinners, might have the chance to spend eternity with Him in His awesome presence. Just thinking about that makes one feel so small and unworthy compared to God’s terrific power.

This power is seen in the fact that God created the entire universe out of nothing, ex nihilo. He had nothing to work with, but spoke everything into existence. He turned the void into the beauty of the universe with just words. If His words are that powerful, the power of His actual being is completely incomprehensible! He created everything that is now on the earth in six days. Nothing has been, nor ever will be, created since.

It is also incomprehensible how anyone can believe that everything was created by chance. There is too much evidence, both logically and scientifically, to believe that all that we know as the universe just came together by accident. There isn’t even a remote possibility of that happening.

For example, the Big Bang theory states that all of a sudden with a bang the universe came into existence out of nothing. Thus out of chaos came order. But if you took apart a watch into all of its intricate pieces, placed it in a box, closed the lid, and shook it around, would the watch be put back together again? Of course not! The absurdity of this statement compares very well with the Big Bang theory. The universe must be the creation of a Triune God, with the Father as the Creator, the Son as the agent or instrument of Creation, and the Holy Spirit as the energizer or executor of the Creative acts.

The Triune God performed creation through a series of creative acts. He created the universe and the earth, then the living creatures, and then His masterpiece, man. The six “days” in which he created the universe could be literal days, or else each day could be an age. Everything is fixed in creation according to kinds. But within these kinds there is also variety, or micro-evolution. We can see God’s orderliness and creativity through this, as well.

As can be easily seen, Creation was definitely an awesome act. It had to be performed by a great force. Though powerful, it is also beautiful and wonderful, and is, in effect, a mirror image of its Creator.


Pensive it mentioned below the little serving as an example of my research result and see how our universe creation or creator is! “Beginning of the creation a part of the power of the nature became divisible as a result of the big bang”. Again, “Everything of the present universe is the result of evolution of single energy of Power” i.e. revolving of the sole level picture and evolution of picture or advent of multilateral matter as a result of change. In or under the circumstances As I see it, is there a no conflict between science and religious through that physical nature of the universe. Such as- existence of the God/creator is in everything at all i.e. God is omnivorous i.e. at the root of God or creator is everything at all in the universe. Everything is the result by evolution/variable of her part such as in physics. Again as I see it, energy or ray is the presence of singular dimension, the last position of matter in artificial experiment and test. We found the reality of big bang in the law of single dimension of the physical worlds. Again, we found the influence of gravitational force or universal ray; it proves the partial division of dark energy or black body. Again, the last state of physics is power or ray and there have been the concept that the output of moving of unit energy dimension is everything of the world. Again, just at this time we are looking- location of dark energy is near about 14 billion light years- from our location, yet same event or very moment, from the black body- it is again we are in the dark energy i.e just at this time it is again we are in her belly. So see- God/creator is at once and always omnipotent, omnipresent, omnivorous or united in all things. See into- “Wonderful Creation”

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