Author Ruth Nourse on “Special Science Issue”

The “Special Science Issue” of The Forerunner was very well done. The section on Darwin might have been planned for the spot. Introducing the liberal definition of “truth” may have triggered thought as to the unscientific motivation of a whole class of evolutionists.

While the National Endowment for the Arts, the monstrous education monopoly, and such legal and political subterfuges as “separation of church and state” dump out contempt, we innocently go about trying to destroy rotten fruit produced by this inconceivably evil tree.

Eastern Europeans know the source of repression and have arisen enmasse. It would be a good time for Americans to do the same thing, but many are unable to imagine that the same forces are at work here. The trappings of freedom are illusory when the very source of truth is banned from halls of learning and American children are forbidden to carry Bibles to school or to pray.

We who stand against pornography, abortion, and other godless activity should become spiritually militant enough to occupy American campuses and demand the return of academic freedom. Can’t we see that loss of freedom is the root of all the other decay?

Your paper is on the cutting edge and it has been a privilege to share with your readers. May God bless and guide you as you continue the battle of ideas.

Ruth Nourse
Avondale, Arizona


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