1990 – The Decade of a New Generation

As we enter the 1990s, a new generation is appearing on the horizon – and the whole world is taking notice.

  • A Newsweek Special Edition declares: “The New Teens” and attempts to answer these questions: “What makes them different? Who are their heroes? What problems do they face?”
  • An Ebony magazine cover heralds: “The New Generation of the ’90s” and describes a generation comprised of individuals with different ideas, who are “as equally bouyed by promising opportunities as they are weighted down with problems.”
  • A Time magazine cover proclaims “Twenty-Something” and examines a generation with unique culture, with their own set of problems, possibilities, situations and circumstances.

What is it that makes this generation so distinct?

The most talked about, most written about generation of our time, which is described loosely as the “under 25 generation,” has been raised in a new and often bewildering world and has attitudes and ideas which are radically different from those who preceded them.

The “tribal” cultures of the late 60s and early 70s gave way to the self-gratifying “me-generation” of the late 70s and 80s, with the flower children trading in their youthful idealism of peace and love for a more materialistic “yuppie” lifestyle.

And now a new generation emerges. And everyone is asking, “What are they like?”

There is more of a thirst to tap into spiritual values than any of the previous generations. They hunger to fill spiritual voids and solve the problems of the world created by the apathy and self-centeredness of their parents.

It should not be surprising, therefore, when the current generation hits the college campuses and there is a social revolution that surpasses that of any generation of the modern times. The campuses will be the center of an outcry for peace of mind and stability that will ascend to the heavens. This will be a generation that calls on the name of God.

The campuses will become the subject of news reports. The growing consensus among the news media will be that a spiritual revival is occurring among university students. Daily reports of unprecedented numbers of students attending prayer rallies on campus will become commonplace.

For a period of time, it will be as if heaven had touched earth. It will become normal among students to talk about the experiences they have had in prayer. As they touch God, the answers to many of the problems that plague our world will be revealed to them.

It is no coincidence that this generation has come on the scene at the present time. The whole world is in a state of transition. As we close out the millenium, entire nations are in a state of upheaval. The social, economic and political landscape of the world is fast changing. This is a generation of world changers. It is a generation that has come on the scene “for such a time as this.”

Are You a Part of a Generation of Destiny?
By Bob and Rose Weiner

September 1990 – Three times in world history a wholesale slaughter of the “innocents” has taken place that has been filled with significant meaning.
The first occurred toward the end of a 400 year period when the nation of Israel was in slavery to the Egyptians. The Hebrew race had been reproducing so fast that the king felt threatened by a potential revolt against his authority, fearing that the slaves would escape the country. Around the year 1526 B.C. Pharaoh ordered that all the male infants born to the Hebrews should no longer be allowed to live and were to be thrown into the Nile River.

The second slaughter of the innocents took place shortly after the birth of Jesus Christ. Persian Magi from the East held among their cast a sacred prophecy that indicated that a new star would appear in the heavens indicating that the Divine Son of God had been born Whom they were to worship and adore.

The Persian Magi followed that star to Jerusalem and since they considered this child whose birth it signified to be a king, they went straight to the palace of King Herod. “Where is he that is born King of the Jews?” they asked, “for we have seen his star in the east and have come to worship Him.”

Being secretly enraged by the Magi’s announcement and feeling that a real threat to his throne existed, King Herod called the Jewish leaders together to inquire into the matter. Learning Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem, he privately called the Magi to find out exactly when the star had appeared and then sent them to search for the child. When they failed to return with information concerning the infant, Herod sent his soldiers to Bethlehem to kill all the children there from the age of two years old and under, in accordance with the Magi’s account of the time frame of the infant’s birth.

We come now to the third massacre of the innocents which began in the United States in 1973 with the injunction of Roe vs. Wade. If you are 17 years old, you are the first member of a generation who has been marked out for slaughter and escaped the abortion massacre.

Millions of your fellow classmates never made it to kindergarten, much less to the university, as their life was hopelessly snuffed out in the womb of their mother. USA today reports that of the colleges surveyed 68% revealed that they had a drop this fall in the number of applications from potential first year students because of the birth rate decline that hit the nation in the 1970s.1

Have you ever asked yourself “Why?” Why weren’t you one of the statistics that found its way into the garbage disposal or to the back alley in a trash bag? Why did you live and others die? Why did your parents want you and other parents did not want their children?

If evil forces work behind the will of man as Biblical history teaches, then what is so unique about this generation of young people that sinister forces have sought to destroy it for 17 years? And if despite the exhaustive efforts of the Prince of Darkness to destroy both Moses and Jesus, God delivered them both from destruction to fulfill His will, could there be a divine reason for your deliverance? Could there be a unique purpose for your existence? What great task does God have for this generation to fulfill?

If we interpret the abortion massacre in the light of Biblical history, this generation is most assuredly marked out as a generation of destiny.

1 USA Today, August 6, 1990, “LifeLine,” College Math, Sec. D, p.1.

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