CYI Conference Held in Moscow

MOSCOW (FR) – This is the hour of destiny for the Soviet Union! Today the hope of a renaissance is being birthed in the Soviet Union. While some have predicted future gloom for this nation, the Word of God offers a brighter promise: “All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations will bow down before Him. For dominion belongs to the Lord and He rules over the nations” (Psalm 22:27).

A revolution is quietly taking place in the Soviet Union. The situation in this country is similar to what happened in the 1960s in America – there is political and economic turmoil, there are frequent demonstrations and worker’s strikes – but also like the 1960s, there is a “Jesus Movement” among the young people.

On April 3-7, an evangelism and church planting training seminar was held in the Izmajilovo Hotel, near the Olympic complex, in Moscow. This conference, the first leadership training seminar of Christian Youth International, was attended by 300 Soviet university students. Some came thousands of miles from cities in Soviet Asia.

These young people are among the brightest and most promising leaders in their society. These Soviet students love God; they are servants; they are intelligent, and full of faith and excitement. These students are the future of the Soviet Union.

According to director, José Pascua, “Christian Youth International is a Soviet based organization, which will be staffed by Soviet Christians. From here we will send evangelists to Red China and Eastern Europe and reach the whole world.”

Founder and President, Bob Weiner, further described the vision: “Working together with Terry Law, Daniel Williams of Calvary Ministries, and Mission Possible, we are going to see the glory of God come in the Soviet Union. Every city, every town will have a new wine skin – a fresh expression of the glorious Church.”

There was truly a Spirit of Revival present throughout the five days of the conference. The main characteristic among the students was their genuine love for Jesus Christ and for each other. Their excitement at the expectation of a growing movement all across the Soviet Union resulted in an electric fervor.

Featured speakers during the five day conference included Keith Curley, a pastor from Houston, Texas, and Daniel Williams, founder of Riga Bible College in Riga, Latvia. Students met for three sessions a day which included many hours of praise, teaching and leadership training.

On Saturday, April 6, they were given 11,500 Russian New Testaments, hundreds of copies of Jesus Brings New Life, a foundational Bible study series by Bob and Rose Weiner, recently translated and printed in the Russian language, and hundreds of complete Russian Bibles. These were the first of the 230,000 New Testaments donated to CYI by Terry Law Ministries and Mission Possible.

From April to July, these 300 newly equipped Christian leaders will be conducting Bible studies among university students all across the Soviet Union. Students who successfully complete the Bible study program will be given an invitation to an all-expense paid leadership conference held at the Izmajilovo Hotel in July.

It was estimated by the directors of CYI that the July conference will be attended by over 4000 Christian students. The remaining 218,500 New Testaments will be distributed to the thousands of leaders who will be trained at this conference. CYI also hopes to print 100,000 Bible study books in the Russian language which will be used in evangelistic Bible studies all across the U.S.S.R.

Churches will be planted on those universities where large numbers of Soviet students are experiencing revival. The goal of CYI is to plant a New Testament church on every major university campus in the Soviet Union.

If you would like more information on the CYI conference being held in July, or if you would like to contribute financially to success of the conference, write:

Christian Youth International
Bob and Rose Weiner Ministries, Intl.
P.O. Box 1799
Gainesville, FL 32609
(904) 375-4455

1 Comment

Oh! Wow! It was fine time! 1st love! Thanks to Bob W.!!! My dream – to have video CYI in Moscow!!! I miss that time!….


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