By Bill Bennot
There is a great need today for the bold and courageous – those who will not succumb to the whirlwind of hopelessness that runs rampant in the nations. South Africa is saturated with the cynics and doubters and doomsday prophets. Anyone can be a critic but it takes faith and determination to set a course of hope. We can’t run from or ignore the huge dilemma facing our nation.
While many are paralyzed by the intimidating threats of our national Goliath there are still those among us, who like David, will run to the battle line. David only looked at the problem long enough to take aim. The problem never even overwhelmed him because he measured the problem against the greatness of his God. In fact, it was God alone who added greatness to the formula of David’s life.
Great acts of love and faith, that this nation so desperately needs, will not flow out of those the world expects as great. True greatness will infiltrate this nation through the yielded hearts of young men and women who will dare to do the will of God anywhere. God will never allow this nation to be healed by the power-hungry bureaucrats that seek glory from men. The healers will be the humble, the peacemaker, the compassionate, the courageous and the selfless. Through men and women of this character God alone will get the glory that is rightfully due Him.
If there was ever a time for Christians to be in tune with what the Holy Spirit is doing, now is the time. “For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God” (Romans 8:1). Paul went on to say that creation is waiting for the revealing of the sons of God. That revealing has the power to set South Africa free from the corruption that has plagued it in the socio-political and economic arenas. The Church, equipped with the whole gospel and immersed in the Holy Spirit is the salt that preserves a nation.
Christians can no longer present a truncated gospel that prepares people for heaven while leaving them totally unprepared for life in the here and now. It was said of the sons of Issachar that they understood the times with the knowledge of what Israel should do. The Holy Spirit is breathing a fresh understanding of the times into the heart of the Church. It is not a time for retreat but for advance. In the midst of much perplexity, Christians are being equipped with the knowledge of what to do. I encourage you to pray for South Africa, that God may use His Church to bring healing to our nation.
Bill Bennot is the editor of The Forerunner: Preparing the New South African and pastor of His People Church in Johannesburg, South Africa.