- Generation X: What Makes Them Different?
- Invading America's High Schools with the Gospel
- Jesus Movement - 20 years later
- Risk Free From AIDS?
- The 1990s: Decade of a New Generation
- The Animal
- The Prophetic Generation
- The Return of the 1960s Revolution
- Torch for Gospel
- Virginity in Vogue
- Youth of Destiny!
- YWAM Leader Warns of AIDS Threat to Teens

Suggested products

The Model of Christian Liberty. This DVD includes “Dawn’s Early Light: A Brief History of America’s Christian Foundations” and bonus features.

The Beast of Revelation: Identified
Featuring Dr. Kenneth L. Gentry at the 1999 Ligonier conference

The United States of America 2.0: The Great Reset
Revival, Resistance, Reformation, Revolution, Interposition and Nullification
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