The following is the text of a complaint filed against Egherman with the Florida Agency for Health Care Adminstration on February 3, 1998.
This is a two part complaint:
(Part 1) I, William Lestourgeon, saw Dr. William P. Egherman leave the Aware Woman abortion clinic (Melbourne, FL) at about 6:55 pm Saturday, January 31, 1998 with what appeared to be one of his patients in his car with him. He was driving a dark green Dodge Intreped, FL license PFS70P. Aware Woman worker Lisa Sanford left with him in another Aware Woman worker, Roni Windle’s car. A 4-door white Lincoln, FL license (deleted), with an older white male driving and a younger white male (20’s) left with them as well. They all turned south on US 1. I called Meredith Raney at (407)254-5481 and told him what I had seen.
(Part 2) I, Meredith Raney, received the above phone call about 7 pm Saturday, January 31, 1998. I immediately started toward Holmes Regional Medical Center Emergency Room arriving about 7:10 pm just in time to see Dr. Egherman helping someone out of his car at the emergency room entrance. Aware Woman workers Roni Windle and Lisa Sanford were also there. I never saw the Lincoln. At about 7:45 pm, Roni Windle, Lisa Sanford, and Dr. Egherman, came out and left the hospital area.
This is the fourth documented patient that Dr. Egherman has sent or taken to the emergency room in 10 months. The three previous dates are 3/29/97, 7/4/97, and 12/12/97. The audio for the 911 calls for the three previous incidents are available on the Internet at It is my opinion that Dr. Egherman took this patient to the emergency room himself so that another 911 call wouldn’t be available to be put on the Internet.
Dr. Egherman is sending or taking one patient out of every 200 to the emergency room right from Aware Woman. There is at least one other case of complications from Dr. Egherman’s work that we know about. The first audio clip on the above Internet address of a message left on my answering machine from a girl who passed a whole baby in her toilet after supposedly having an abortion by Dr. Egherman.
This doctor is incompetent and needs to be stopped.
