911 Call to WomanCare Abortion Clinic in Melbourne, Florida

Abortion — legal but not safe!

Certainly not safe for the unborn child and as heard below, sometimes not safe for the mother either. Listen to Lisa Sanford, the clinic director, ask for the ambulance to “avoid lights and sirens.” Why? This call was made at 3:22 p.m. on a Saturday afternoon. Was Lisa just tired of dealing with this woman and decide to dump her in the emergency room so that her and the clinic staff could go home? Were they hopeful that nobody would notice (“avoid lights and sirens”) that the ambulance was there? Listen and decide for yourself. At least this mother was fortunate enough that they sent her to the hospital (at no cost to themselves of course) where she could get some real medical help.

CLICK HERE to hear the actual 911 recording (requires a 28.8K or higher connection) then scroll down to follow the transcript below.

The quality of the audio is poor because it is telephone audio originally recorded at low resolution. A transcript of the audio is included below to aid in understanding the low quality audio.

CLICK HERE to read about another mother who was taken to the emergency room in 1997.

Transcript of Saturday, June 3, 2000 911 call, 3:22 p.m.

Dispatcher: 911 Do you need sheriff, fire, or ambulance?

WomanCare: Ambulance.

Dispatcher: Hold on just a moment and I’ll connect you.

WomanCare: Thank you.

Dispatcher: Fire/rescue.

WomanCare: Melbourne.

Dispatcher: Yes.

WomanCare: 6983 North Wickham Road and we need a transport to Holmes Regional.

Dispatcher: Okay, what’s wrong?

WomanCare: A patient’s just not feeling well; we want her observed.

Dispatcher: She’s awake and breathing okay?

WomanCare: She’s awake and reactive.

Dispatcher: Roughly, how old is she?

WomanCare: She’s — good blood pressure — how old is she? 40-something — I don’t have her chart in front of me — she’s 38 — I’m sorry.

Dispatcher: You don’t have any idea what’s wrong with her right now?

WomanCare: No, she was a surgical patient of ours a couple of weeks ago and we’ve seen her a couple times since and everything was normal — all her blood pressure and everything — and today she’s just complaining of really severe pain so we want to get her to the hospital to rule out ectopic pregnancy.

Dispatcher: Okay, what’d you say the name of the business is again.

WomanCare: WomanCare of Melbourne.

Dispatcher: Is there a certain room or suite number?

WomanCare: No, it’s just a single building. We have ambulances right behind us. There’s a fire station right behind us.

Dispatcher: And the telephone number there please.

WomanCare: It’s (321) 242-0220.

Dispatcher: Okay, we’ll be on the way there.

WomanCare: If it’s possible, could you avoid lights and sirens?

End of tape.

WomanCare worker Debbie Johnson

Unknown WomanCare worker

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