Bazile, Frantz (owner, verified) – Miami


Advanced GYN Clinic
6464 N Miami Ave
Miami, FL 33150-4520


19100 SW 24th St
Miramar, FL 33029

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YOB: c. 1952 (Born in Brussels and began undergraduate school at age 17 in 1969)

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Miami: The legalized back-alley abortion capital

By Jill Stanek, World Net Daily, August 09, 2006

Readers may have read news stories two weeks ago [July 2006] of workers at a Hialeah, Fla., abortion mill allegedly killing a newborn baby. Hialeah is next to Miami. That was merely the tip of the slice-and-dice-berg.

Frantz Bazile was the responsible abortionist (two words that harmonize only when denoting culpability). Bazile’s rap sheet actually goes back to 1991, when he was found guilty of gross negligence in Illinois and placed on professional probation. While aborting a 17-year-old, Bazile had accidentally removed part of her placenta first, causing the girl to hemorrhage. He made matters worse by lacerating her vagina and cervix when trying to stop the bleeding.

Bazile finally called an ambulance. At the hospital the girl received emergency blood transfusions and underwent an emergency cesarean section, delivering a live baby who died. Not only did Bazile muck up the abortion, he failed to assess the baby’s age, which was determined to be “late second trimester.”

After being put on probation, Bazile flew the coop and landed on the beach, finding employment at A Gyn Diagnostic Center, the aforementioned Hialeah abortion mill. Abortion mills do not require references….

Bazile never reported to Florida authorities he had been placed on professional probation in Illinois. In 2005, a pro-lifer caught this and reported Bazile to the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration. AHCA responded that the statute of limitations had expired. Oh, well.

An abortion gone bad opens up an unseemly world of low-end medicine
Miami New Times, Joanne Green, Thursday, Oct 26 2006


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