Bundy, Ralph Lawson (verified) – Daytona, Orlando

Killing Places:

WomanCare of Daytona Beach
1360 Mason Avenue
Daytona Beach, FL 32117

WomanCare of Orlando
10244 E Colonial Dr. Ste 102
Orlando, FL 32817

15 Surfside Drive
Ormond Beach, FL 32176

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Abaco Forum, LLC
15 Surfside Drive
Ormond Beach, FL 32176

YOB: 01/25/1950

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Ralph Bundy – Being an abortionist and friendship

Abortionist Ralph Bundy, medical director of The Women’s Health Center Inc. in Orlando and Daytona Beach, had his face on the cover of the May 1990, Florida Magazine, labeling him: “The Abortion Doctor.”

In an interview with the Orlando Sentinel 09/17/1991, he said he lost a friend because of the story,

I did lose one really good friend that I’d had for 20 years. She sent me a couple of books, and the message – both from the books and from her was that I was going to burn in hell.… She pretty much blew me off.

He had told reporters that he does not tell many of his friends that he does abortions. He tells them only that he works in a clinic.

I don’t hit people over the head with it. I don’t go to a party and say, ‘Boy, I did a tough abortion today.’

Ralph Bundy, The Abortion Clinic Doctor

By Kate Santich of the Sentinel Staff, September 15, 1991

Most doctors who perform abortions don’t say so publicly. Fewer still consent to media interviews. And it is nothing short of extraordinary for one to lend his face to the cover of a magazine labeling him: ‘‘The Abortion Doctor,’‘ as the Florida magazine headline read on May 13, 1990.But Dr. Ralph Bundy says he has no regrets. He is, in fact, as outspoken as ever. ‘‘People think this is just about abortion, but it’s not. It’s the whole morality-control thing: You can’t watch The Last Temptation of Christ, the video-rental store is being told which movies it can stock, and they’re trying to dictate to Wal-Mart the magazines it can sell.

At The Eye Of The Storm: The Abortion Doctor

By Barbara Stewart of The Sentinel Staff, May 13, 1990

Dr. Ralph Bundy does abortions. That is his entire medical practice – 75 abortions a week, 15,000 during his five years as doctor for The Women’s Health Center Inc. in Orlando and Daytona Beach. He has not tired of his work. Each abortion is similar but also different – in the tilt of the uterus, in the tension of the woman’s muscles, in the degree of the woman’s fear or sadness or utter relief. For some women, he says, having an abortion is like getting a haircut. For a few, it creates strong guilt or sadness.

Ralph Bundy fined $5,000

Ralph Bundy was fined $5,000 and told to perform 50 hours of community service for failing to maintain the proper licenses for operating a laboratory at WomenCare of Orlando. One of the facility’s certifications was revoked in January 2005, and its state license expired in October 2006. A state inspector found patient cases as late as December 2006 that included lab tests from the unlicensed facility.

Letter to tenants near abortionist Bundy

December 16, 2009

1360 Mason Ave.
Daytona Beach, FL 32115

To Whom it may concern,

We are writing to introduce ourselves to you.  We are not only Christian mothers, law abiding citizens and have been residents here for many years, but we are also co-founders of Hope, Help & LIFE, Inc., which is a pro life ministry that offers other options to unexpected pregnancies rather than abortion.

We’ve recently been made aware that your new neighbor in Suite “A”, in the front building, is the abortionist, Dr. Ralph Bundy who moved last month from the “Women’s Health Center” formerly located at 1225 Eighth Street, Daytona Beach.

We know you as established and well respected doctors and medical staff for many years in this community working to improve life.  We are not sure if you are aware this type of practice of the taking of life is being done at your doorsteps.

We will continue to hold peaceful prayer vigils in front of this abortion facility just as has been done for many years at the former Eighth Street location.  We feel that we must take a stand for life and speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.  Even though abortion is legal, it does not change the fact that it is the killing of innocent human babies from the most sacred of places—their mother’s wombs.

We assure you that we mean no harm to anyone.  We stand peacefully in prayer for the abortionist and the facility workers as we also diligently pray for the ladies that go into the facility and ultimately, for the unborn to be given a chance to live.  We pray always for the end of abortion in our great nation.

We will begin our prayer vigils at your address on the public sidewalk under the nice shade trees there at 1360 Mason Ave. beginning on December 23rd.  We will not obstruct traffic or litter in anyway.  We hope to draw attention to the truth of what is being done in Suite A and we hope to offer other options to the women going inside.  It is a ministry that we are called to do.

Thank you and God bless you and your upstanding practices.  If you care to join us, you are most welcomed.

We are enclosing an article on our ministry of Hope, Help & LIFE., Inc. to explain more of our stand to defend life.

Thank you,

Barbara Beute, President of Hope, Help & LIFE, Inc.

Renee Stump, Vice President of Hope, Help & LIFE, Inc.

Below are other members of our community that also stand for life.

Tomoka Christian Church Pastors:

Joe Putting, Senior Pastor
Ed Marshall, Associate Pastor

Tomoka Christian Church Members:

Jessica Gorgas
Forrest Stump
Doug Kennedy
Victoria Kennedy
Cliff Fraine
Barbara Fraine
Amy Anderson
Don Mongeon
Ben Shawiak
Stacy Shawiak

HHL Ministry Partners

Dr. Bree Littleton, Hope Help & LIFE, Inc., Treasurer
Charlene Corns,  Hope Help & LIFE, Inc., Abortion Recovery Leader

Volusia County Right to Life Members:
Mary Schwarz, Epiphany Right to Life Committee
Carole Rice, Our Lady of Lourdes, Respect Life Coordinator

Others in the Community

Chrystal Lampe, Bound 4 LIFE Daytona Beach
Diana Toomalatai, Alpha Pregnancy Care Director
Bruce Arthur Lampe
Cheryl Ann Lampe

Ralph Bundy – 7/21/2011

ORMOND BEACH, FL – A central Florida pro-life awareness team traveled almost two hours north to Ormond Beach in support of a prayer group who has for many years stood at Bundy’s abortion mill in Daytona Beach and have prayed for his salvation.

1 Comment

This monster is my second cousin, his grandmother was my fathers sister. Fortunately, I’ve never met him & hope I never do. He will burn in hell.

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