Clinic owner violates FACE, 11/6/1999

Tammy Sobieski directs deputies to threaten pro-life counselor

MELBOURNE, FL – Two FACE protected pro-life referral counselors took their counseling right up to the door of the abortion clinic in Suntree Plaza. They were able to counsel several moms and dads who found themselves in desperate enough circumstances to pay someone to kill their own children. Unfortunately, none changed their minds on Saturday but at least the counselors got to make their offers of help face to face in a conversational tone for about an hour. This pro-life referral counseling activity is protected by the federal law, Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE), even on private property that is open to the public. Suntree Plaza is definitely open to the public.

The clinic owner, Tammy Sobieski, violated FACE by directing three armed Brevard County Sheriff’s deputies to threaten Dr. Patricia McEwen, one of the counselors, with arrest if she didn’t leave. She left, but she immediately reported this FACE violation to Judge Lewis Freeh, the director of the FBI. A report is also being sent to Janet Reno of the Justice Department.

This is about what we expected would happen. Pray that the justice department and the FBI will do their job and enforce FACE as it is written without regard to the content of the reproductive health service provider’s counseling, i.e., pro-life counseling is protected just as much as pro-abortion counseling.

Please also pray for Attorney Chris Sapp, Esq. who is spearheading this effort to get two pro-life counselors right up at the door of every abortion clinic in the country. The law of the land supports this right now. The problem is that not many people understand it yet.


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