Taxpayers pay for security fence at abortion clinic

MELBOURNE, FL — Brevard County taxpayers paid about $4,000 to put up an 8-foot chain-link security fence at WomanCare of Melbourne, the new abortion clinic in Suntree Plaza north of Melbourne. Jack Parker, Public Safety Officer of Brevard County (321-633-2056) said that the fence was put up for security reasons at the request of Commander Joe Crosby (321-633-2123) of Brevard County Sheriff Phil Williams’ Office. The $4,000 cost figure was Jack Parker’s guess.

Who’s kidding who?

The fence was supposedly put up to protect the fire department next door according to Jack Parker. However, the fence is 15 feet from two sides of the abortion clinic and 100 feet from the fire station.

“Who’s kidding who?” said Meredith Raney, Spokesman for Christians For Life, “Take a look at this picture. The building behind the fence is the abortion mill. The fire department is at least 100 feet the other way.” Thanks to FLORIDA TODAY newspaper for this picture that was taken 12/21/99. Pro-lifers can’t go back there to take such a picture without fear of being arrested. A pro-lifer might show some abortion-minded mom how to solve her problems without killing her own child. Certain people in Brevard County administration will not stand for that! To them, no expense is to be spared in helping that abortion mill kill as many children as possible.

Parking for pro-lifers scarce in Suntree

All of the businesses in Suntree Plaza have signed trespass affidavits that allow Brevard County Sheriff Phil Williams “to issue trespass warnings to any persons found on said property who are engaged in suspicious or unlawful activities or who are otherwise loitering on said property.” Sheriff Williams has interpreted this to mean anyone picketing or counseling on the public property around Suntree Plaza, anyone associating with those picketing or counseling, or anyone who looks like they might be pro-life, i.e., carrying a Bible. Click here for news story of three pro-lifers threatened with arrest while eating in Niki’s restaurant.

See pictures below for the BEFORE and AFTER of the small area where pro-lifers WERE allowed to park. The fence now prevents pro-lifers from parking where they had been parking since August 1999 when the abortion mill moved to its present location.

BEFORE – Pro-life parking from August to December 1999. Note the fire station in far background. Use the three red markers for point of reference. AFTER – Fence put up December 1999, paid for by Brevard County taxpayers to prevent pro-life parking.

Sign that allowed small pro-life parking area “fixed” 12/23/99

In August, 1999, a new abortion clinic moved into Suntree Plaza. “Coincidentally,” the county immediately put up “no parking” signs all around the Suntree area in the vicinty of the new abortion clinic. They missed a small spot on the south side of St. Andrews Blvd near Wickham Road that allowed for parking of about 3 cars. On 12/23/99, the day after they put up the fence around the abortion clinic, that sign was “fixed.” See below.

BEFORE – Picture taken 12/22/99. See below for enlarged view of sign BEFORE the “fix.” AFTER – Picture taken 12/24/99. See below for enlarged view of sign AFTER the “fix.”

Thank you Brevard County for providing some public parking

When the county put up the fence mentioned above, they were considerate enough to provide some public parking on fire department property that is available to be used for parking by the public from 8:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. according to signs posted on the new fence. Brevard County Commissioner Helen Voltz was assured by the county attorney’s office that any public property made available to the public would be accessible to ALL of the public. The pro-life community thanks the county for making this property available to ALL of the public, even pro-lifers. See picture below. All of the cars shown below are parked in a public parking area on fire department property.

South entrance to Suntree Plaza showing fenced-in public parking area.


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