Where is Roy Lucas?

July, 2000
Updated October, 2000

June 2003 update — Lucas materializesCLICK HERE for details

Spurgeon LeRoy Lucas, Esq. (AKA Roy Lucas, Esq.) is a Washington, DC lawyer who has championed abortion rights since penning an article for the June 1968 issue of the North Carolina Law Review in which he laid out the blueprint for legalizing abortion. Four years later, when Roe v. Wade came before the Supreme Court, Lucas filed the main brief. Lucas came to central Florida in the summer of 1998 to represent the abortion industry in several lawsuits.1 He is still the attorney-of-record in these lawsuits. One of the above cases, Raney v. Aware Woman , is still active in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. However, mail sent to the address2 on file with the courts is being returned as undeliverable. Calls to his phone number are unanswered. Back in July 2000, his phone was answered by a machine with a message in Lucas’ voice that says he will be back on the “28th or 29th of the month.” He didn’t say which month. It had been the same message for at least two months. The message also said that he could be reached by email at privacylawyer@aol.com

Lucas is mentioned (by initials only) in a U.S. Department of Justice indictment for criminal extortion against one of Lucas’ former clients, abortionist James Scott Pendergraft.

Reading this indictment and transcripts from conversations secretly recorded by the FBI (see 10/9/00 Business Week article) gives rise to several questions:

  1. Why was Roy Lucas not indicted as well? and
  2. Why is Roy Lucas referred to only by his initials in the indictment?

According to one newspaper reporter who covers legal issues, persons referred to by initials only in an indictment are usually part of some kind of witness protection program.

This theory only brings another question.
(3) Could Roy Lucas have turned on the abortion industry and cut a deal with the U.S. Attorney to testify against Pendergraft?

Let us pray that is the case and that he has or will become a Christian in the footsteps of Dr. Bernard Nathanson , founder of NARAL, and Norma McCorvey , the Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade? After all, Roy Lucas’ full name is Spurgeon LeRoy Lucas. His father was a preacher. Did his father name his son after the famous preacher, Charles Spurgeon ? Roy Lucas is a smart man, he knows all about God but has been in rebellion against God all his life. He has had a long bout with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Let’s pray that he sees the Light (Acts 9:3) before it’s too late.


1 Lawsuits involving Roy Lucas:

1) Raney v Aware Woman et al, 97-1197-CIV-ORL-19B
2) Ocala Women’s Center et al v City of Ocala et al, 98-371-CIV-OC-10C
3) Aware Woman et al v Raney et al, 99-05-CIV-ORL-19C
4) Manhattan Magnolia Corp et al v Unterburger et al, 99-8164-CIV-HURLEY

2 Latest contact information left with the courts:

Roy Lucas, DC #153957
Trial Counsel
c/o PO Box 141064
Orlando, FL 32814-1064

TEL: 1-407-898-3249
FAX: 1-407-898-5268
E-Mail: OwlLawyer@aol.com

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