Poy-Wing, Celina (owner, suspended) – Plantation

Killing Place:

All Women’s Ob-Gyn Group
817 S University Dr # 100A
Plantation, FL 33324-3345

Home: 4821 SW 76th Ave, Davie, FL 33328

View Florida Abortionists in a larger map

YOB: November 1952

Permanetly restricted from performing any procedures relating to the termination of pregnancy. Respondent’s practice is permanently restricted in that Respondent may not perform cosmetic surgery including liposuction for any reason.

Discipline records are on file. She apparently used a vacuum extraction on a woman delivering a baby that caused irreparable harm.

Factual Allegations

A. On or about July 22, 1993, the Board of Medicine of the State of Florida, Department of Business and Professional Regulation (“Florida Board of Medicine”) issued an administrative complaint in Case No. 91-05594 against the Respondent. The administrative complaint alleged that Respondent, an obstetrician/gynecologist, provided medical care to a patient identified as “Patient #l” on or about March 16, 1991. The administrative complaint further alleged that Respondent practiced medicine below the standard of care in that Respondent inappropriately applied a vacuum extractor without medical justification and for an excessive period of time, which resulted in multiple complications for Patient #1’s newborn. Further, the complaint alleged that Respondent’s medical record for Patient #1 failed to indicate a need for vacuum extraction.

Abortions, parties, and a botched liposuction

In an April 30, 2004 article, the Orlando Sentinel reported that two South Florida doctors (one’s a retired psychologist, the other is a working ob-gyn physician, they stated) own the Orlando nightclub Tropical Magic.

They revealed that one of the owners is a Broward County physician by the name of Dr. Celina Poy-Wing. Advertisements in the South Florida area reveal that Poy-Wing performs abortions up to 22 weeks at 817 South University Drive in Plantation, FL, describing her practice as, Women Caring for Women.

The article says that abortionist Poy-Wing described her club’s atmosphere this way, “We are trying to appeal to the whole community. No babies. We want men and women.”

The paper also made this observation about the club’s alcohol: “And for an older-crew club, the drink policy is awfully relaxed. For one, the place is open until 4 in the morning. Two, the place sells tiny bottles of alcohol until the 2 a.m. curfew — and then offers mixers for the next two hours. Which means there’s a run at the bottles before 2 a.m. It’s a strategy that keeps the party going until closing.”

See the article here: Getting Down . . . In An Upscale Way

In May of 2000, the Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel reported in a May 26 article, Victim wins award in botched liposuction, that a judge’s assistant was awarded a $1 million malpractice verdict against abortion doctor Celina Poy-Wing who reportedly botched her liposuction in 1998.

The article notes that a Broward County jury decided that the surgery by Dr. Celina Poy-Wing caused nerve damage, numbness, burning and discolored skin on the abdomen and hips of her patient, Nancy Williams.

Williams’s suit claimed that Poy-Wing took out too much fat and operated too close to the skin and blamed the poor care on the fact that Poy-Wing had just learned to do liposuction at a weekend seminar in spring 1997, according to the woman’s attorney.


This doctor had given me an abortion back in 2008, being 16 weeks pregnant. I stopped going to her awhile after that. Reason being, I went for a routine pap smear and check up the next year. I received a call from her 6 MONTHS LATER, after I already got good results the next month. The NEW results came up that I was positive for HPV and needed to follow a certain procedure to fix it, that was going to cost me another $700. I went to another doctor at Memorial Hospital in Pembroke Pines to do a full pap smear and check up on everything again. I came up negative. I never went back again. It was then that I switched doctors. She seemed like a miserable lady. The whole staff did really. I just had that gut feeling and no longer felt comfortable going there. Does this necessarily effect my future in any way?

I went to her before. She preformed and abortion on me. I fully woke up during the procedure and she just pushed me down and told me to stop moving. Worst experience of my life. She traumatized me. And still wonder to this day if my reproductive system is effected to this day.

Celina Poy-Wing is a terrible doctor. I went to her for gyn care as a young adult. I was having a medical issue, and after a few visits to her she sent me a letter telling me she couldn’t help me, and included a list of other doctors I could see. No explanation, nothing. I was devastated that a doctor would do that.

I saw Celina Poy-Wing as an OB in 1986-1987. I trusted her. But I always wondered why she felt it necessary to induce labor with Pitocin and always wondered if it had an effect on my son. He has learning and social disabilities and my other children who were not induced do not. I always wondered if the Pitocin was the cause. During my hospital visit comment was made by staff that Dr. Poi-Wing likes to induce her patients because she likes to have her weekends free.

Hell has a special wing reserved for her.

I was about four months pregnant when I was pressured to go to this person for an abortion in 1996 when I was 23 years old. I had been told by my hospital shortly beforehand that my baby had a healthy heartbeat. I regret not thinking for myself and standing up for myself and my child. I’m now 50 and don’t have any children after losing another to a 6 week miscarriage when I was 36 years old. I now suffer from severe adenomyosis. I’ve had heavy painful periods for a decade, multiple blood transfusions, multiple iron infusions, and multiple ER visits and hospital says over the last 7 years, a four hour surgery 5 years ago, and still as I’m writing this have currently been bleeding for 6 weeks straight. Poy-Wing’s abortion was the first and ONLY procedure I’d ever had on my uterus. What’s more, I had gotten pregnant very easily prior to Poy-Wing’s abortion. I can’t help but to think that she ruined my reproductive system and my chances at ever having biological children. May all the babies she’s murdered, including mine, forever haunt her mind while she burns eternally in hell.

I too just like one of the people in the comments previously posted woke up during my abortion with her, this was back in 2006. it was terrible. I watched her suck a fetus out of me with a vacuum. She was also a nasty lady. I hope they threw the book at her. She should NEVER be allowed to practice any type of medicine EVER AGAIN!!! She’s the Asian devil.

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