Killing Place:
Presidential Women’s Center
100 Northpoint Parkway
West Palm Beach, Florida 33407
3816 Embassy Dr
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
View Florida Abortionists in a larger map

YOB: September 1951
Founder of Presidential Medical Management Co, Inc.
Unquestionably the “Fort Knox” of South Florida abortion clinics, Presidential Women’s Center is one of the longest run abortion clinics in that area and is heavily protected by not only law enforcement, but political powers in Palm Beach County.
Board member of the National Abortion Federation
Incorporated by Bernard Smith, Maureen Paul, Mona S Reis, Susan Dudley, Vicki Breitbart, Vicki Saporta, National Abortion Federation Inc. is located at 310 W 20th St Ste 300 Kansas City, MO 64108. National Abortion Federation Inc. was incorporated on Sunday, April 28, 2002 in the State of Florida and is currently not active. Corporation Service Company represents National Abortion Federation Inc. as their registered agent.
National Abortion Federation
1755 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Suite 600
Washington DC 20036
Officer/Director Detail of Florida Corporation
Paul, Maureen MD
1055 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston MA 02215
Vice President
Smith, Bernard MD
1428 N. Farwell Avenue
Milwaukee WI 53202
Breitnart, Vicki MSW EDD
26 Bleeker Street
New York, NY 10012
Reis, Mona
1501 Presidential Way, Ste. 19
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
President, CEO
Saporta, Vicki
1755 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Suite 600
Washington DC 20036
Dudley, Susan
1755 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Suite 600
Washington DC 20036
Mona Reis is a vocal promoter of abortion. She is connected politically and within the medical community. She is a native of Miami and graduated from Miami Norland Senior High School. She is a single mother of two. She has been quoted in numerous articles over the years.
Rader’s female backers say they still support him in Senate District 27, despite Benacquisto’s rape revelation
After participating in a press conference in downtown West Palm Beach Thursday afternoon to show her support for state senate candidate Kevin Rader, Tracy Pafford (left) talks with Mona Reis, founder and president of the Presidential Women’s Center. During the press conference Pafford revealed for the first time publicly that she was raped at the age of 14.
Supported Florida state senator Kevin Rader (D) in his attacks on Lizbeth Benacquisto, his Republican opponent, in ads as an “extremist.” First, Rader aired a commercial arguing that Benacquisto’s “extremist” allies would turn women into “criminals” by outlawing abortion in all cases, including after rape or incest. Then Benacquisto struck back with an ad disclosing that she herself was a rape victim – and alleging that Rader had “crossed a line” by “exploiting this crime, suggesting that I wouldn’t stand up for other victims.”
Board of directors of Cancer Center of South Florida Foundation, Inc.
Mona Reis – Director
Mona S. Reis has devoted her life to providing healthcare services to women in an atmosphere of dignity and respect. As a seasoned healthcare professional, Ms. Reis has always been guided by the principle that listening to your patients is key to providing them the highest quality medical care.
Her dedication to helping others led her to found Presidential Women’s Center in 1980 which provides the full range of gynecological care, to include outpatient termination of pregnancy and tubal ligation services. As Founder and C.E.O. of Presidential Women’s Center, Ms. Reis has developed, operated and managed a Center known for its excellence in patient care for over 30 years. Ms. Reis did this by investing in her staff, facilities and services. Staff training, continuing education and developing best practices and procedures are at the core of her healthcare management philosophy.
Ms. Reis is a leader in both advocacy and service in the field of women’s health. Providing exceptional patient care is her passion and the fulfillment of a deep commitment to empowering women through the provision of life-affirming medical care.
Ms. Reis has received the Planned Parenthood Advocacy Award, Executive Women’s Private Sector “Women in Leadership Award”, NOW’s Susan B. Anthony Award, 2005 Choice Generation Award with her daughter, NCJW “Women of Power Award” and the ACLU’s Harriette Glasner 2006 Freedom Award.
Clinic Fire Fans Flames Of Simmering Abortion Debate
July 07, 2005 – By Howard Goodman – Commentary
Mona Reis was in Boston on vacation Monday night, watching Fourth of July fireworks and listening to the Boston Pops, when her cell phone went off.
It was her security-alarm service, telling her a fire alarm had been tripped in the clinic she owns in West Palm Beach.
Another phone call confirmed it was a fire.
Reis called three staff members, who hurried to the scene.
Soon one called her back, in tears.
“She was saying they wouldn’t let her in, and there was smoke everywhere, and she was shaking, and she’d call me back when she learned anything,” Reis said.
Right then, Reis told herself this was no accident.
In its 25 years, the Presidential Women’s Center had been spared the violence that has plagued many clinics around the nation that perform abortions: bombings, vandalism, anthrax threats. Even murder.
But the center’s luck ran out.
On Wednesday, having found evidence of a fire accelerant, police were calling the West Palm fire “suspicious.”
“Now we’re part of the national violence statistics,” Reis said. “We’re `arson.’ And maybe it will turn out to be other things, as we go along.”
So this is what the rockets’ red glare and bombs bursting in air have come to mean to one zealous faction of the anti-abortion movement.
Last year over the Fourth of July weekend, someone threw an explosive through a window at the WomenCare Center in Lake Worth.
The blaze scorched patient records and medical equipment. The building on North Federal Highway is still closed.
Two years ago, over Memorial Day weekend, a Tamarac abortion clinic was torched and vandalized.
It’s no exaggeration to call these incidents “terrorism.” It’s violence intended to scare people so they no longer pursue a certain goal. That’s the very definition of terrorism.
Yet we don’t hear much condemnation from a federal government that’s vowed to fight terror in all its forms.
Since 1993, six doctors and other clinic employees have been shot and killed, according to the National Abortion Federation, an association of abortion providers. A police officer died in a Birmingham, Ala., clinic bombing. Five other abortion workers have been shot and injured.
“I have doctors all over the country who wear bulletproof vests every day,” said a National Abortion Federation security official, who insisted on anonymity out of safety concerns.
Reis absorbed the sense of risk long ago.
“We are very well-versed in security measures,” she told me in an interview two years ago.
She’s seen herself depicted on anti-abortion Web site as Hitler. In her neighborhood, leaflets have circulated identifying her as an abortion provider and giving her home address.
“We’ve had drills, security training, in-service with law enforcement and we’ve been doing this for years. We’ve often had bomb threat and bomb squads,” she said Wednesday.
“Unfortunately, we are experienced in this.”
The smell of burning plastic hung in the air. Windows were shattered. Electricity was off. Yet the staff was answering phones and scheduling appointments at another facility.
“We look forward to having our doors open as expeditiously as possible,” she said.
Though her voice was a little shaky, she said, “They’re not going to stop our resolve.”
It takes a certain cast of mind to set fires or shoot doctors in the name of “pro-life.”
But all through history, extremists have claimed that some higher calling justifies violence.
From John Brown’s attempted insurrection to free the slaves to al-Qaida’s suicide-skyjackings.
Abortion is an issue that brooks little compromise from the anti-abortion or pro-choice forces. The emotions will only get hotter as the battle heats up over a successor to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor.
I’m afraid it will be a long time before we see the end of this kind of fire and smoke.
Federal Lawsuit Filed Against Florida Sidewalk Counselor
Presidential Women’s Center in West Palm Beach must be feeling the pressure. Mary Susan Pine, a successful sidewalk counselor, has pled for many years with Presidential Women’s Center customers to give life to their children. Mona Reis, the owner of Presidential, finally got someone to attempt to scare off Pine. That someone was your U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and his south Florida coworkers.
On August 18, 2010, Holder’s office filed a federal civil action (lawsuit) against Pine and, by extension, those “acting in concert” with her. The only law violation alleged was the aged Federal Access to Clinic Entrances Act (F.A.C.E.) passed by Bill Clinton in 1994. The act made it a federal crime to block the entrances to a medical facility, but abortion clinics were the sole beneficiary of the law since they were the only ones being blocked on any regular basis prior to F.A.C.E.’s passage.
Pine is represented by Orlando’s Liberty Counsel. Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel Mathew Staver said in an August 24 press release, “This lawsuit by Attorney General Eric Holder is politically motivated and patently frivolous. It is designed to intimidate pro-lifers. We will not allow the Attorney General to push around little people and intimidate them for their pro-life beliefs.”
The fuss, apparently, is a nine-month old incident in which Presidential employees claim that Pine blocked a car for a few minutes. Although Pine denies it, one can assume that the clinic with its 15+ cameras has something on video to convince them they finally got Pine in some kind of law violation.
Hilariously, Holder’s suit alleges that Pine, “unless restrained… will continue to engage in illegal conduct”. Except that Pine has been there for years prior to the so-called “incident” and even nine months since then. Even if the allegations prove true, Holder and his abortion industry allies seek to allege that merely a few minutes delay en route to kill a baby could be grounds for violation of F.A.C.E.
Liberty Counsel says that FACE can only be applied to actual physical force or threat of force based on Cheffer v. Reno, a case already won by Liberty Counsel that was dismissed in district court and further lost on appeal by then U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno. Apparently, Holder’s office thinks this momentary car stoppage worthy of a second attempt – at taxpayer expense, of course. Amazingly, it took six government employees to file a suit barely four pages long.
What does Presidential Women’s Center hope to gain? The suit calls for a $10,000 fine against Pine, but the finger-crossing of Reis and her clinic workers have to be focused on the first request for judgment: “An order prohibiting Defendant, Mary Susan Pine, fro entering any driveway leading into the Presidential Women’s Center parking lot.” A quick glance at the aerial photo of Presidential tells you why. If you can’t stand in the driveway (traffic or not), there’s absolutely no visibility into the clinic’s parking lot. Which means customers of Presidential can’t see Pine or other prolife activists. With the City of Palm Beach already in bed with Presidential in their 2006 noise ordinance (which is basically interpreted as “whisper quietly amongst yourselves or else”), the only thing left to do is to make prolife activists disappear.
In other words: “We’re drowning in debt and if this lady doesn’t stop talking to our customers, we’re not going to have any left.” One wonders why Reis hasn’t put her video online at YouTube to show the world how intrusive Pine’s action was. If we get a copy, we’ll happily do it for her.
Below is the complaint as filed in U.S. District (federal) Court on August 18, 2010. The case is currently filed in the court of Senior Judge Kenneth Ryskamp, a Reagan appointee.
Case 9:10-cv-80971-KLR (Holder v. Pine)
Eric H. Holder, Jr., Attorney General of the United States of America (the “United States Attorney General”), by the undersigned attorneys, asserts a civil cause of action under the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (“FACE”), 18 U.S.C. § 248 (1994), enacted into law May 26, 1994, as follows:
1. In bringing this action, the United States Attorney General has reasonable cause to believe: (1) Defendant, Mary Susan Pine, has committed, and is likely to continue to commit, violations of FACE; and (2) various persons are being, have been, and will continue to be injured by Defendant’s conduct.JURISDICTION, STANDING, AND VENUE 2. This Court has jurisdiction over this action pursuant to FACE, 18 U.S.C. § 248©(2), and 28 U.S.C. § 1345. 3. The United States Attorney General has standing to bring this action pursuant to FACE, 18 U.S.C. § 248©(2). 4. Venue is proper in this judicial district pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b)(l) and (b)(2), in that Defendant resides in this judicial district, and all the events giving rise to this complaint occurred in this judicial district.
DEFENDANT 5. Defendant, Mary Susan Pine, is a regular and vocal anti-abortion protester at the Presidential Women’s Center, located at 100 Northpoint Parkway in West Palm Beach, Florida. 6. On information and belief, Defendant resides in West Palm Beach, Florida.
FACTUAL BACKGROUND 7. The Presidential Women’s Center provides women’s reproductive healthcare services. 8. Defendant has engaged in anti-abortion protest activity outside the Presidential Women’s Center for several years. 9. Defendant is one of two protesters who typically conducts her protest activity on the south side of Northpoint Parkway, which includes walking back and forth in the Presidential Women’s Center’s driveway. 10. On November 19, 2009, Defendant physically obstructed a car by stepping in front of the car as it was attempting to enter the driveway to the Presidential Women’s Center to access the parking lot. 11. The driver of the approaching car stopped to avoid striking Defendant. 12. Defendant attempted to, and did, interfere with the driver’s access to the Presidential Women’s Center.
13. The United States incorporates herein the averments of paragraphs 1 through 12 hereof.
14. Defendant’s conduct as described in paragraphs 10 through 12 hereof constitute a physical obstruction which interfered with a person who had been seeking reproductive health services.
15. On information and belief, unless Defendant is restrained by this Court, Defendant will continue to engage in the illegal conduct averred herein.
16. The United States Attorney General is authorized under 18 U.S.C. § 248©(2)(B) to seek and obtain temporary, preliminary, and/or permanent injunctive relief from this Court for Defendant’s violation of FACE.
17. The United States Attorney General is further authorized under 18 U.S.C. § 248©(2)(B)(i) to assess a civil penalty against a respondent no greater than $10,000.00 for a nonviolent physical obstruction.
WHEREFORE, the United States Attorney General respectfully requests judgment in his favor and against Defendant, Mary Susan Pine, in the form of:
A. An Order prohibiting Defendant, Mary Susan Pine, from entering any driveway leading into the Presidential Women’s Center parking lot;
B. An Order prohibiting Defendant, Mary Susan Pine, and her representatives, agents, employees and any others acting in concert or participation with her, from violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act; and
C. A civil penalty assessment in the amount of $10,000.00.
Respectfully submitted,
United States Attorney
Southern District of Florida
Assistant Attorney General
Civil Rights Division
Acting Chief
Special Litigation Section
Acting Deputy Chief
Special Litigation Section
Senior Trial Attorney
United States Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
Special Litigation Section
950 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20530
(202) 616-9009
(202) 514-0212 (fax)
Assistant United States Attorney
99 N.E. 4th Street
Miami, FL 33132
Fla. Bar No. 644791
(305) 961-9327
(305) 530-7139 (fax)
UPDATE: Eric Holder’s Political Prosecution of Pro-Life Educator Thrown Out of Court
Judge suspects conspiracy between Eric Holder’s DOJ and abortion clinic to violate pro-lifers’ First Amendment rights
West Palm Beach, FL – A federal judge has ended Attorney General Eric Holder’s two-year political prosecution of pro-life educator Mary Susan Pine. Holder accused Pine of obstructing the entrance to an abortion clinic, in violation of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (“FACE”). Holder sought thousands of dollars in fines against Pine, as well as a permanent injunction banning her from counseling women on the public sidewalk outside the Presidential Women’s Center (“PWC”) abortion clinic, where she has faithfully ministered for over 20 years. Liberty Counsel successfully defended Pine.
In granting summary judgment, Judge Kenneth L. Ryskamp concluded that “the evidence could not lead a rational jury to find that Ms. Pine’s conduct [i.e., having peaceful conversations with clinic visitors on a public sidewalk] constituted a physical obstruction within the meaning of FACE.” He also concluded that the government lacked evidence to prove not just one, but “all three elements of its FACE claim.” Judge Ryskamp chastised Holder for seeking to apply federal law in a clearly unconstitutional manner: “Stretching the terms of FACE to apply to this case … so that a desire to provide people with information about alternatives to abortion constitutes an unlawful motive, would unjustifiably impinge on Ms. Pine’s First Amendment rights.”
The Government’s decision to prosecute Pine despite having no evidence of wrongdoing prompted Judge Ryskamp to suspect a conspiracy at the highest level of the Obama Administration: “The Court is at a loss as to why the Government chose to prosecute this particular case in the first place,” he wrote. “The Court can only wonder whether this action was the product of a concerted effort between the Government and the PWC, which began well before the date of the incident at issue, to quell Ms. Pine’s activities rather than to vindicate the rights of those allegedly aggrieved by Ms. Pine’s conduct.”
Harry Mihet, Senior Litigation Counsel for Liberty Counsel, commented: “This is a tremendous victory not just for Susan Pine, but for the First Amendment and the pro-life movement. Attorney General Holder sought to use federal law as a billy club against pro-lifers, but received instead a clobbering from the very Constitution he had sworn to protect. Freedom-loving Americans everywhere should rejoice.”
DOJ drops case against Florida pro-life sidewalk counselor, pays her $120G
Published April 02, 2012 |
The Department of Justice has given up its bid to prosecute a pro-life counselor and agreed to pay her $120,000 in a case a judge said never should have been brought.
Mary Susan Pine, who stands outside abortion clinics and advises women not to have the procedure, was accused of blocking a car from entering a Florida abortion clinic in 2009. In December, a judge threw out the case, in which the government sought $10,000 in fines and a permanent injunction barring Pine from counseling women outside the Presidential Women’s Center in West Palm Beach, Fla. The government had been appealing the ruling until it was announced Monday it would no longer pursue the case.
Pine’s lawyer said she was a victim of a politically-driven prosecution.
“It is irresponsible for the U.S. Department of Justice to place politics above principle when deciding to prosecute, and thus attempt to silence, a pro-life sidewalk counselor without any evidence of wrongdoing,” Mathew Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, said in a statement. “When the nation’s highest law enforcement officer files suit against any citizen, the suit must be based on the law coupled with compelling evidence. Anything less is an abuse of the high office.”
A spokesperson for the Department of Justice defended prosecution decision as “based on the facts presented during our investigations and the applicable federal laws.” In Pine’s case, “the department made a decision to settle with the defendant rather than continue with costly litigation.”
Florida District Judge Kenneth Ryskamp said in December the case appeared to be part of a “concerted effort” between the government and the Presidential Women’s Center.
“The Court is at a loss as to why the government chose to prosecute this particular case in the first place,” Ryskamp wrote in a summary judgment order against the feds. “The court can only wonder whether this action was the product of a concerted effort between the government and PWC, which began well before the date of the incident at issue, to quell Ms. Pine’s activities rather than to vindicate the rights of those allegedly aggrieved by Ms. Pine’s conduct.”
Under the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) federal law, DOJ officials alleged that Pine obstructed a car from entering the Florida abortion clinic on Nov. 19, 2009.
Pine, who could not be reached for comment, had denied obstructing any vehicle from entering the clinic.