Senises, Siomara (owner) – Miami

Killing Place:

A Woman’s Care, Inc.
68 NE 167th St, Ste A
Miami, FL 33162


3500 Fairfax Ln
Davie, FL 33330-4628

DOB: 10/04/1964

A Woman’s Care, Inc. was incorporated by Siomara Senises and Maria Peguero on April 30, 1989 in the state of Florida and is currently an active corporation.

Siomara Senises represents A Woman’s Care, Inc. as their registered agent.

Maria Peguero is the founder of A Woman’s Care II, Inc. and Hialeah Woman’s Choice Clinic, Inc.

1. Corporation WikiMap

Siomara Senises was also the administrator of Best Care Woman’s Center, an abortion clinic that used three unlicensed people to perform abortions.

Clinic’s two owners arrested

Miami Herald Tues, July 19, 2005
By Mary Ellen Klas, Herald Editor

A Miami clinic lost its license and it’s owners were arrested in the second case involving the same unlicensed doctor performing abortions.

Jose Rodriguez, 52, and Magaly Gil, 56, both of Miami, were arrested and released on $5,000 bond after detectives concluded that they knew Kieron Nisbet was not licensed to practice medicine in Florida, Nisbet is alleged to have performed abortions in November at their clinic, Best Care Woman’s Center, 8380 SW Eighth Street.

Sgt Llevat of Miami-Dade unlicensed practitioner’s unit (305-477-1616) says that Gil and Rodriguez were arrested for “aiding & abetting.” When asked if administrator Siomara Senises could be charged for the same offense, Sgt Llevat said yes, “it’s in the Florida Statutes and Senises used 3 unlicensed people at her clinic also.”

Senises was never charged and is still the administrator for three abortion clinics in Florida, these two in Hialeah & another in North Miami, named , “A Woman’s Care”.

If clinic administrator, Senises was licensed as a Real Estate Broker and she hired an unlicensed abortionist, a cleaning lady, and a University of Miami student to sell Real Estate without a license, would the State of Florida allow Senises to keep her Real Estate brokers license to conduct future sales, and oversee sales people in other Real Estate offices?

The former attorney-unlicensed abortionist-Robelto Osborne was convicted of 4 felony counts of practicing medicine without a license in October of 2005.

The current abortionist-Frantz Bazile, who performed the abortion that resulted in the baby dying in the hialeah clinic, has a prior record for the same type of offense in Illinois.

Summing up the details below it basically states that this MDespicable abortionist, Frantz Bazile, had been noted for attempting to perform an abortion on a 17 Year old girl, but didn’t realize how far along she was either. He ripped spongy material (mature placenta) from the baby’s body, sutured up the profusely bleeding young mom, and rushed her off to the hospital. As the mom was drugged for pain, the baby, torn apart by the whole experience, hung for life, was delivered alive by cesarean section and later died from this “gross & negligent” quack alley abortion.

Several unlicensed abortionists found in Miami

In stories related to the use of unlicensed doctors performing abortions in Miami (Miami Herald, “Two owners arrested in abortion clinic probe,” July 19, 2005 and NBC 6 TV’s, “Man Accused Of Performing Abortions Without License,” May 5, 2005) it was revealed that Kieron Nisbet has been accused of giving anesthesia without a license to abortion patients at, A GYN Diagnostic Center abortion clinic in Miramar.

During the investigation of the clinic detectives concluded that Nisbet was not licensed to practice medicine in Florida.

Since then, two patients have come forward and claimed that Nisbet performed abortions on them at the Best Care Women Center in Miami.

The patients, who identified Nisbet in a photo line-up, said they received treatment from both Nisbet and also Yaqueline Martinez, who was arrested in March on suspicion of practicing nursing without a license.

“This person spoke to them, conducted a sonogram exam and, in one case, diagnosed a person, telling them how many weeks pregnant they were and then led them to a room where they were introduced to Mr. Nisbet as the doctor who would be performing the procedure,” Sgt. Hector Llevat of the Miami-Dade police said.

As if to cover their trail, police said, Nisbet or Martinez forged the signature of a real doctor on the patients’ files. Police arrested the clinic owners whom they claimed knew the man was operating without a valid medical license.

Police said they believe Nisbet also illegally performed abortions at a Hialeah abortion clinic, A Women’s Care II, during the same time and has fled to Trinidad to escape an arrest warrant they obtained for him.

Nisbet was investigated by the Unlicensed Practitioner Unit (UPU) and is wanted by the Miami-Dade Police Department (MDPD) for practicing medicine without a license at the Best Care Women’s Center, in Miami.

The investigation dates back to November 2004. A Miami detective said they have now received solid information that the doctor is hiding out in Trinidad with family. They believe that he is also performing abortions in Trinidad, possibly under a false name.

In 2005, The Florida Department of Health’s (DOH) Unlicensed Activity (ULA) Unit announced that their joint investigation with the Miami-Dade Police Department led to the arrest of Jose Rodriguez and Magaly Gil for aiding and abetting the unlicensed practice of medicine.

Rodriguez and Gil own Best Care Women’s Center located at 8380 SW 8 th St. in Miami. Both voluntarily relinquished the abortion clinic license for the women’s center after allegations surfaced that Rodriguez and Gil allowed unlicensed physicians to perform pregnancy termination procedures at Best Care. The pair were owners of several abortion clinics in the Miami-Dade area.

Kieron Nisbet


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